Primeval fic: Leadership Crisis

Mar 25, 2014 16:13

Title: Leadership Crisis

Word count: 100
Rating: Universal
Characters: Jenny, Lester
Written for P100 challenge 359: You’re needed here


“No,” said Lester.

Jenny frowned. “You can’t refuse a resignation.”

He gave her an uncertain look. It was this unfamiliar expression that kept her seated despite her initial inclination to simply walk out.

“Danny…” she began.

“… isn’t a replacement. Look, Jenny, I don’t understand what happened with Cutter and you’re right, I can’t stop you leaving, but I’m asking you to reconsider. The ARC needs you. Give us…me… six months and then if you still feel the same I won’t attempt to dissuade you.”


Lester never asked.

“Six months,” she said.

She expected triumph but saw only relief.


jenny, lester, primeval, drabble

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