I sometimes think I’m too attached to the details and let the big picture escape…
During last night’s
Big Brother (why, yes, I do watch. I have NO shame) and the whole ‘Mario the Mole and the Secret Vent in the Bathroom’ scene all I could focus on was the state of the loo. They’ve not been in the house a week and already it was grime central. Does BB not supply toilet duck? Get in there and get scrubbing! Initial reaction in the Pennies household wants Mario to win. There doesn’t seem to be any immediate hate!characters so far but three months is a long time. Circus house is lovely. I want carrousel horses in my garden.
My Monday night date with Glee will soon be over. Is sad and will totally be clutching the DVD at some point in the future. Anyways, Glee love took me to its
Wickie entry which provides the usual actor information. Now, I realised that the guys who play Puck and Finn were horribly old for their parts and had clearly been repeating a year for over a decade. However, I was surprised to find that the actor who plays Mr Shue is barely in his thirties. I’d honestly thought he was a well-preserved 45. Presumably he’ll look exactly the same when he is a well-preserved 45. Generally, I don’t have a huge amount of sympathy for Mr Shue but have accordingly revised my thinking and now suspect that the character is only meant to be in his late twenties making his obsession with reliving his high school days is a bit more understandable.
In this series I’m all about the ladiees. It’s fantastic to see a cast where the genders are equally distributed and there are not five-plus men to every woman and the women have actual character development.
I feel I’ve snarked too much of late. Next post from me will be a shiny, happy recs list.