Character: Agrias Oaks
Final Fantasy TacticsCharacter Age: 21
Canon: Ivalice is a medieval land mired in a civil war between Duke Larg of the Northern Heaven Knights, and Duke Goltana. This war has everyone plotting against everyone else, using at least five different flavors of backstabbing (and the occasional demonic possession). Defying this trend is Agrias, a knight captain of the royal guard assigned to the Princess Ovelia in the remote Orbonne Monastery.
Agrias is your classic chivalric knight, complete with a concern for honor, obsessive observation of formalities, the occasional bout of righteous indignation/temper, and even a vow of duty to rescue the princess from her kidnappers. Of course, this knight in shining armor also happens to be a strong and intelligent woman who still ultimately fails in her duty as previously stated princess' bodyguard. But she makes a good fight of it, armed with a following of her own female knights and her ability to semi-accurately assess the shifting of alliances within Ivalice's volatile political climate. The main problem is that she never seems to have all the facts when she makes her assessments. Despite her apparent intelligence and nobility, when things get tough, she starts taking things at face value, and when things really don't go her way, her polished etiquette falls apart pretty quickly.
NOTE: Since the official translation of FFT to date is of fairly unsatisfactory quality, Agrias' voice is being based on a more suitable translation such as the one
here. This translation's more elaborate voice better reflects the formal manner of speaking that a knight of the Royal Family such as Agrias would use.
Sample Post: It's likely I have already lingered here too long...but when a knight is given lodging, he will find himself compelled to repay his host for the courtesies he has received. Leaving now would be spitting upon the Lady Director's hospitality, though I've not yet had the distinct honor of meeting with her. But her reputation speaks well enough for her; a fine woman, the Lady denies herself to opportunity to grieve the loss of her betrothed. She instead stands strong as the ever-vigilant caretaker of this unfortunate encampment, burdened as it is by the misfortune of having been established in the remote regions of a dismal swamp. Despite both location and the continued grief of her loss, the Lady has such a fine care for hospitality that with her own hand she's not only established order for her guests, but also fashioned this wretched place into the happiest place on earth. This is what I have heard.
Yet none know where she is or how one may contact her. For such a high lady to go missing is troubling. Without a lord or lady, the people of these lands will surely turn against each other. Already the Northern Gangrene Zombies have assembled, and shortly will being moving on the Southern Guerilla Gorillas. There seems to be little provocation for this action. However...I've heard much of the Gangrene's loyalty for their lady. They greatly revere her brains, which is only right...the common people should respect the intelligence of their lord. Further, the leader of the honorless Guerillas is the one called "Donkey" Kong. I believe he received the moniker "Donkey" for the massive number of donkeys he used to keep himself supplied with barrels in battle. Kong is known for amusing himself with the kidnap of women of high status--such as the Lady Director--just as much as he is known for his signature rivalry with squat men called "plumbers."
I've no choice but to conclude that this means the Lady has become Kong's latest victim, and as this is surely the case, I vow that by my power the lady who has been so hospitable to me shall be rescued. I shall join the Gangrene in their campaign and see it through to the very last. I understand that first, they plan to surprise the Guerillas by viciously handing out of flyers, followed by a ruthless petitioning. The campaign will culminate with the Gangrene marching against the Guerilla's main base, bearing signs with such demands as... "Two leaders' brains and a supersized bottle of embalming fluid to go?"
...While undermining enemy moral is a valid tactic in warfare, I fear that these tactics will not send quite the right message about our cause.
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