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Nov 08, 2007 16:42

There are basically three types of chivalry, explanations of which I'm quoting from wikipedia:

1. Duties to countrymen and fellow Christians: this contains virtues such as mercy, courage, valor, fairness, protection of the weak and the poor, and in the servant-hood of the knight to his lord. This also brings with it the idea of being willing to give one’s life for another’s; whether he would be giving his life for a poor man or his lord.

Agrias: "Do you understand what you're getting yourself into by doing this!? Even adopted, Princess Ovelia is still of the crown. And you would dare lay your hand on her!?"
Agrias' dedication to Ovelia is obvious and her driving motivation. BLIND LOYALTY TO THE CROWN, regardless of any legitimacy issues.

Ramza: "Sir Agrias, how do you fare?"
Agrias: "I live. I breathe. And that is hardly the matter that concerns me!! Princess Ovelia is to be taken to the gallows in Golglarda! We must move!!"
Again, Ovelia comes first in all matters.

Agrias: "I couldn't agree more! Save for a particular detail-you withdraw obediently so that you are still alive to go on your merry way! Go along back to your Lord Rudvich! Tell him we will surely slay whomever dares cheat a person of their rights by force!"
Agrias' righteous indignation, protecting poor, weak, lil' Mustadio. |D Agrias certainly has this aspect of chivalry down pat.

2. Duties to God: this would contain being faithful to God, protecting the innocent, being faithful to the church, being the champion of good against evil, being generous and obeying God above the feudal lord.

Agrias: "I am Agrias Oaks of the Lesalia Imperial Saint Guard. I come way from Orbonne to seek salvation from the son of God, Saint Ajora. I beg thee, raise the gate!"
No matter what the translation, Agrias is a Holy Knight, and she was assigned to the Orbonne Monastery. She has some measure of connection to the church.

Delacroix: "I wonder if you are acquainted with the 'Zodiac Brave Story'...?"
Agrias: "That faery tale we used to hear in church, when we were children...?"
Delacroix: "Oh my, now. Sir Agrias, surely you do not mean to say that the church tells lies...?"
Agrias: "N-no, I would never suggest...."
She attended church faithfully! But we see that this second type of chivalry, though Agrias has some hints of it, is clearly not for Agrias. Calling the Church's stories "faery tales" TO A MAN OF GOD, what a blunder. That and the fact that Agrias doesn't put God before Ovelia.

3. Duties to women: this is probably the most familiar aspect of chivalry. This would contain what is often called courtly love, the idea that the knight is to serve a lady, and after her all other ladies. Most especially in this category is a general gentleness and graciousness to all women.

...lulz lesbian knight?

Lesbian jokes aside, actually:
Ovelia: "...quite gladly... would it be that I were never the princess at all."
(Ovelia drops the leaf from her hand. It flutters to the ground.)
Agrias: "Princess Ovelia..."
Ovelia: "All my life, I have known monastery walls...Walls that would want that I should believe the world beyond it entirely empty. I lived at another monastery before Orbonne. Have I told you, Agrias? No. I don't think I have. As the adopted daughter of the late king, one would think that I would have been accepted into my family... and yet I was sent to live my life in a convent. Mm... I'm not saying that it may be without reason. It's merely.... It pains me. To know that while I hide behind walls, so many people are dying in my name, dying for the sake of the princess..."
Agrias: "Princess Ovelia, do not condemn yourself. The fault lies not with you, but on the heads of evil men that would use you."
STUPID EVIL MEN. I'm looking at you, Delita.

Agrias' PSP bio:
"A female knight serving in the Lionsguard, the Crown's personal shields. Rising tensions between Dukes Larg and Goltanna after the death of Ondorio III led to fears for the safety of Princess Ovelia, whereupon the Council dispatched Lady Agrias to Orbonne Monastery to serve as a guard. Her loyalty to the royal faily and strong sense of moral clarity are unwavering, and she sympathizes with the princess for having to live sequestered away from the rest of the kingdom.

So we see what could at least be considered hints of each brand of chivalry in Agrias. Warrior chivalry, religious chivalry, and courtly love chivalry...but it's pretty clear that Agrias follows warrior chivalry, much as I love to joke about lesbian knights. XD

In order of most fitting to least fitting, in my opinion:
1. Warrior chivalry
2. Courtly love chivalry
3. Religious chivalry
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