(no subject)

Oct 25, 2006 13:49

Hey hey

Everything has been a bit hectic since I got back. Lots of college, lots catching up to do, eeeeeep.
Last week went up town with a wee crew for some drinks and had such a goooood night. Drinks and dancing - THE POLICE were played in Firewater which made my night :) T'was fookin excellent.
Went to Laura's for a wee bit on Friday night. Random people there that I haven't seen in ages and don't particularly want to. However it was nice to see Laura and Lauren. I then went to see The Last Kiss, which was good. Fantastic ending, which at first made me go "Oh... right" but then once I had a wee think I actually think it's very cleverly left. Poor poor use of the amazing soundtrack. Joshua Radin got 10 SECONDS when the credits came up. 10 seconds... *spits*

=) Teehee
Saturday was boi shopping with my mama for a bit, and then tea at Tchai Ovna with my lovely Vicky and Nadia. We had such a good natter,a lovely little catch up. Could have fell asleep I was so cosy, and Turkish Apple tea was mmmmmmmm yum. Cracking day with them <3
Sunday involved the St Mirren game, LOST Season 3 baby, the best homemade toffee cheesecake EVER (not made by me btw) and I also adopted a gran =D All good.

"It's up there with the other best days"
"What else is up there with it?"

Luss is much prettier in the winter. I swear, I've never seen as many stars as I did the other night. It was absolutely gorgeous.

After college yesterday myself and the lovely Daryn watched Touch Of Evil, and then went to see the GUILLEMOTS :) They were so good live! Had to leave earl-eeeee =( but just before we went they went absoutely crazzzzzzzzy!!! Belter.
For fucks sake!!
I collapsed in a little heap last night. I havent been getting muchos sleep, and the past week I've had really long days. And I'm FREAKING OUT about Renfrewshire Rox which is next week and I'm worrying about money and pffffft. Blah.
Everything is jamming today though. Got a really funny phone call this morning, actually made myself look presentable today, had an excellent driving lesson (I now like roundabouts) and got the poster AND the VIP tickets designed and made up and today they are getting printed. WOO!! Panic over. We have a week to get everything sorted - plenty of time =p

In other news, tomorrow I find out when I start at Laura Ashley. Yey!!

I'm in love with Joshua Radin.
Need to boost now as I am late!!

Every word you say I think I should write down, don't want to forget come daylight
Happy to lay here, just happy to be here
I'm happy to know you
Play me a song, your newest one
Please leave your taste on my tongue
Paperweight on my back, cover me like a blanket

x x x <3
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