Member Sign Up!

Aug 05, 2012 14:10

Member Sign Up

We're glad you'd like to join us at stay_inspired! To become a member, click the cut, read the rules, and fill out our simple form. We're glad to have you, and we can't wait to see the works you create while with us!

1. Respect
The number one rule of anything is to be respectful of others. You post your works for feedback, concrit, etc., and others do, too. But your creations are your "baby," and you're close to them, right? Others are, too. Please be respectful and kind in all comments and critiques. Any reports of not following this rule will result in one warning before removal from the community.

2. Remain Active
We do not have a strict activity policy at stay_inspired. If you don't have the time or you're not inspired by the fest posts so far, that's fine! Our hope is that members are able to participate and post at least once a month. If you don't believe that you can make this commitment, please consider joining as a guest instead.

3. Quality
Every creator is at a different point developmentally. Some of us have been creating for years and years, and others just for weeks. Whatever your level, you are welcome here! We just ask that you constantly push yourself with each new fest post. Don't let the focus be the points - make sure the focus remains on you, your works, and growing and developing as an author/artist.

4. Teams
As stay_inspired gets off the ground, teams will just be marked by tallies on the main page. Stay posted for a team meeting post where members can decide their team name so that the mod can create a team community, and they will be able to grow as a team at that point. Anyone willing to be co-mod in their team's community should indicate this in their application.

5. Commitment
When you join stay_inspired, you're not signing away your life. Real life always comes first. If you find that you no longer have the time commitment, or you're just not inspired anymore, please just let us know! Members that leave with warning will be welcome at any time in the future. Members that go inactive without notifying a mod at this membership post will need to wait three months before being allowed to re-join.

Does stay_inspired sound like a community you'd like to join? If so, please just fill out this form and reply to the post in a comment. Your application will be processed promptly and you will be notified upon acceptance!

medium: (choose: icons, graphics, manips, art, writing)
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