a little behind...

Dec 14, 2006 22:22

but nonetheless.... me and Tao are back together "officially" ... i say officially b/c... really we've been back together for the past few weeks now. i kinda blew up on him the other day... and said that he needs to freakin man up and admit that we're together.. no matter what we call it or try and cover up... what we're doing... is dating.. ok?! so he's like yup, ok, you caught me, we're together. haha. he's so dumb. he tried to act like he didnt kno that's what i wanted all this time. RIGHT! i only said it a million times, a hundred different ways. On Tuesday, we'll have been together 5months. eek. i can't believe its been that long. i love him to death... he also admitted he loves me too. :-) calm down now, not IN love of course. im still not exactly sure what that is yet... but im getting there!

I got some x-mas shopping done today... wasnt as painful as i thought... BUT i only got 5 people done. which i guess isnt too bad.. cuz thas about 1/2. thats all i need for now. since Im going away for x-mas, my family (dads side) thought it best to celebrate my bday, my cousins bday AND x-mas all this saturday.. on MY birthday! shafted again! :-P so i really had no choice but to get it all done today... it being my only day off til then. i still have to get my ass to the DMV to renew my license. sheesh i suck at time management.

i better get a lot of money for my bday/xmas... otherwise im SCREWED when i get to Vegas. i blew all my savings on xmas presents... what can i say... i like buying gifts for people... cuz ultimately.. i just love spending money... its genetic really. :-)
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