Dec 11, 2004 13:31
Damn, I didn't know that Amy was our RD! (Actually I did since last May, I just wanted to see what the word "Damn" looked like when it was typed out:))
Yes, I know some of you who are reading this are wondering what is wrong with me. Well, if you lived in the same house as Dan and I about 10 years ago, you would understand. Oh wait...I was the one that told him to stick his finger in the light socket because I thought it was the coolest feeling in the world. Shoot.
Sometimes I wonder if I work too much, but I don't really have anything better to do. I would sit at my computer, type some papers, watch some TV if I weren't working. So, I decide to work whenever I can! It also makes the time I spend with friends even more special because I don't do it all the time.
Yesterday I drove the security car to Dan's apartment for him to fill out an application...Yes, I can drive the security car off campus if I have a good excuse and am using it for work purposes. Well...I am sitting at the light (the one with a Marathon on one side and the speedway kiddy corner to that on Carpenter) and the cars voltage starts to get lower and lower while I am sitting waiting for the light to change after about 2-3 minutes of sitting there. I was scared it was going to die on me, but thankfully it didn't. I get to work an 8 hour shift today by myself! I'm excited.
I still have a lot to study for this weekend, but I'm not too worried about it. I just want to get this all done so I can go home and spend time making cookies (which I love to do!) and hang out with the family and play some X-Box with my little brother. I don't want to study at all...maybe I'll just watch a movie or something like that.