(Usual Disclaimer; Way too many pics, foul language, pixel nudity, insanity, etc.)
So, when we left off, the triplets had been moved out, and Echo and Topher were declared Double Heirs. (Again, very bad decision.)
Thanks to Story Progression, we see Victor is doing well already.
And that rotten no good Elvin still insists on canoodling with Ann.
Meanwhile, Fluffs and Topher are inseparable.
Oh come on!
Well at least someones having some better luck...
Hee, I love clicking on a sim and seeing that they're actually doing what the little story says they were...
Big shocker.
I have the Vamps and Slayers mod for story progression, and Elvira was un-vamped awhile back. Apparently she's aged into a scary old lady, and her and Paul have hooked up now.
One of Twallan's mods includes a Matchmaker function, which seems to mainly just put the sim you choose into your relationship panel so you can call/etc them. This was Echo's best match, Harry Manchest Chesterfield. (He is, apparently, one of the party dancers.)
I don't actually remember WHY Topher is in graduation attire here...
Or why Josh is telling a ghost story to no one.
The telepathic fish have struck again.
Even the disgusting, screaming child can't get any attention, when the fish need to be fed.
Oh does she now?
Nothing like a naked old man coming out of the hottub to scar the neighbors...
Don't you hate it when you take a picture and by the time you go to caption it you can't remember why you took it?
Oh, that's right. November's birthday. After babyhood, no one cared about her anymore. Myself included.
November rolled the Loser trait. Poor kid. Even LIFE doesn't like her.
Yet another case of "Where the HELL is the spooky music coming from?" A few houses down, and there's the ghost hunter, just standing around, not doing her job...
November's a sad little thing...
...Not a brain or bit of common sense between the two of you, is there? Also, damnit Josh, I changed your hair like THREE times and you still insist on that awful 'do.
Awww. Even her own mom wants to get rid of her. Good idea though.
Echo and Harry seem to be hitting it off quite well these days.
This popped up as one of her interactions I could pick from. Cheating?? When? What, because of that Elvin guy?? He's had like FOUR girlfriends since they hooked up.
Just ignore the naked old man in the shower and get the dirty laundry...
Goddamnit Josh, you stop that RIGHT now.
To the Slut Cave!
(Also, I SOOOO love Bridgeport's weather...so gloomy!)
Topher didn't come home from work, and I found him discussing philosophy with a bartender.
November also did not come home, and I found her in a park, where she slept on a bench for awhile, then talked about wedding rings with some random little boy in pink shoes.
Oh for fuck's...
I don't even wanna know what you two were doing, but you stop it, old man.
Her mom is having sex in that shower, and November just stood there, the entire time, with that look on her face.
Screw the bar scene, the bathroom is clearly where the party's at.
Topher randomly took off for the backyard, and I found him stomping on sand castles. Hee.
Look who's pregnant!
Awww, and this is one of the many reasons I love Topher.
Victor seems to be doing pretty well for himself, still.
But just for shit's and giggles, I clicked on him, and found him and Ann, across town. ...Chasing eachother?
Apparently he...rejected her, broke her heart, and took off? And is now hiding behind that bathroom?
Ah, but all seems to be well again. ...Weird.
Just as Fluffs goes into labor, this pops up. Thunder stealers!
In fine legacy tradition, it's a stroll to the subway while in labor.
And Alpha is born! He rolled Perceptive, and Insane. Hehehehe!
But Topher, you LOVE your science career...
At this point I was tired of hoping for some autonomous proposal (which I swear happened once, and NOW I have mods for, but at this point, did not) so I had Echo propose to him.
Snagged him in the first try!
Wow dude, compose a little! *giggles*
So, it's clearly Bachellorette Party time.
...What the HELL are you doing there, Harry?
Ah, the 'firemen' have arrived.
They even came in the firetruck!
Annnd let the awkward dancing ensue!
Toast time!
What were you two doing?
Oh look, someone remembers there's a baby in the house.
Echo's favorite thing to do, besides Harry, is fish in the pond.
She's surprisingly good at it, too.
Alright, so here's where things start to go really crazy. I decide to have the wedding, spend hours setting up a wedding arch and seating and such in the yard, invite people, etc...
First person to show up? Elvin.
First thing Echo does to welcome him? Oh yeah. I just sat back and let this play out.
So all the guests got bored, and I still couldn't figure out how to get these fuckers married.
OH COME ON! Adding insult to injury much??
When the groom has to leave, you know the wedding's an epic fail.
No shit, sherlock.
At least Morrigan's having a good time...
Alright. Next day. Try this again. Invite guests, get everyone in place...
Paul and his old lady are having a good time, at least...
As are Tony and...whoever that is.
Echo: STILL trying to have a baby here, people!
Because no failed wedding would be complete without naked old ladies, afterall...
And so we end on a cliff hanger! Will Echo ever get married? How many babies will she have? Will the old people ever put clothes on?? Tune in next time!