Ok. So I need a new way of looking at this whole LJ thing.
I don't post here. I just don't, mostly because either:
A) I have nothing espically to write about, or
B) Don't want to upset anyone who might be mentioned in an entry.
Now reason A is mostly just lazy, and I should hold myself up to a higher standard. And reason B defeats the purpose of having an LJ -- the need to release thoughts and musings.
So here is my new plan of attack.
- Most of my LJ will be going "Friends Only" - For a long time I was annoyed at the concept of a "friends only" Journal, but I realize in order to be effective I need to be less nebulous, and give name to my thoughts. And if I'm going to speak of such things as family, job and friends by name, then it's important that I avoid any risk of libeling them in a completely open forum.
- I've deleted my entire friends list - It was stale and needed refreshing. And since I'm entering into a new phase of my LJ, I want to dole out access to my more private thoughts to those who are willing to accept my neurosis (like for example, these inane rules for a blog) Also, I feel within my rights to enforce a bit of quid pro quo. If you are going to read my journal, then you should have one for my consumption as well.
- I'm going to start viewing this space not just as a Journal, but as a Column - If I don't do something regularly, there's a chance that I might not do it at all. So I'm making a commitment to make five posts a week of at least 100 words a post. If I have nothing earth-shatteringly personal to say, then I can just comment on and give my opinion of the day's events. I'm an opinionated guy, I should be able to do that.
- Token public posts - While most of my posts will be "friend's only", once a week a post will be available for public consumption.
- I like comments - I just thought I'd throw this out there. Comments are appreciated, espically in the friend's area.
So anyway, that's the deal. If you aren't interested or think I'm being ridiculous, that's fine. But I feel like I need to nail down an "audience" and I'm going to treat my "friends list" more like registered users. So if I haven't added you as a friend, it's not because I don't like you, or don't think of you as a friend; You just aren't a user yet.
So, all that being said... anyone who'd like to become a "registered user" of DJ's Paranoid and Self-Centered Rantings About Useless Crap 2.0 please comment below.