Political Musings

Oct 12, 2004 08:01

Quite honestly, I like Kerry as a Candidate. I fall in line with him on more issues than Bush and think that he has the best interests of the country at heart. I also think that a change in leadership is needed to restore the image of America in the international community.

Having said that, I find it very difficult to vote for any Democrat. I disagree strongly with the direction the party has taken, both in this election and in the political world as a whole. I find the party focuses too much of its energy whining about what is wrong with our country and less time focusing on how they can make it right. I was disgusted when the primaries spent so much focus on "Who can beat Bush?" instead of "Who would be the best president?" I am totally turned off by the Pop Culture Democrats like Sean Penn and Whoopie Goldberg, who have the nerve to consider themselves politically astute and are, themselves, no better than the talking heads on Fox News. I am angered how Democrats seem to consider anyone who disagrees with them to be the intellectual equivalent of a deformed hillbilly.

I realize that the Republicans are, at times, guilty of similar offenses -- but I expect more out of the Democrats, because they have such potential for being the party of hope, vision and progression. The Democrats could be the party of moral, reasoned and compassionate government. They could be the party of unity and strength, both domestic and international. They could stand tall, let the demagogues hurl their puerile dispersions at their families, their character, their career and their beliefs without resorting to lowering themselves to that level. They could lead this country, and the world, and be the shinning example of enlightened government that we, as children, were raised to believe America was. They could... but they don't -- and they aren't.

I am sick of voting for the lesser of two evils.
I want to vote FOR someone, not against someone.
I want someone to raise the level of debate in this country so that we'll be talking about issues and not excuses.
I want to be INSPIRED!

I don't have to agree with a candidate to vote for one. I only have to believe in that candidate.

These "debates" a shouldn't be glorified tree stumps to land cheap shots on your opponent, rather they should be treated as job interviews. We have their resumes. We know their faces. The reason I am still undecided in this election because the only question I care about is the only question that no one seems to ask or think to answer: Mr. Canidate, Why should you be my President?

I'm waiting.
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