Amy and RPO!!! Sooo pretty :)
mel, miller, me, eddie, miriam, & carrie
shira, amy, RPO, me and carrie-- i miss my darlings
shira, and miriam. and plotkin looking awfully devilish
shira, theise, frannie, amy, RPO, me, mel, and plotkin (im stepping on his head)
livi, carrie, RPO, plotkin, miller, sam, dan!, fisher, rena, micah, simon, mel, me, RPR, and eddie
shira, frannie, miriam, amy, me and half of plotkin's head
amy, carrie, theise-- what is carrie eating???
this weekend was sooo great! i took a train into the sity saturday morning and met up with danny. spent the afternoon with him at his apartment-- watching his video from israel and talking to jules online the majority of the time. Then danny and I found Miriam, and i went beck to mir's house. we hung around for a bit- whined about our hair and how it was too cold to wear a skirt, or well... it was just miriam who whined, i never actually wanted to wear one. then we took a long-ass train ride to the upper-east side. not such a nice area- we were suprised. we got just a little bit confused on the way there- went into a little convenience store for directions... and for gum, of course. finally we made it just a few minutes late-- and by that i mean 11. there was this absolutely RIDICULOUS gothic city improv thing there. supposed to be like Who's Line is it Anyway. pffft! my aunt fanny! it was horrible, RPO and I were getting so antsy just sitting there doing nothing. I mean, the firts thing you want to do at a reunion is not sit down and watch some low-level "comedians" do crappy improv. I wanted to jump up and down and say hi to everyone and catch up and give hugs and kisses!!! but i couldn't. so i waited and waited and finally it was over and i was happy again. after that was a lot of laughing and pictures and hanging around in this lobby-like area where we have the reunion every year. it was fun, not quite like old-times of course, but a kind-of temporary reenactment of camp. a mock camp if you will. we all made tentative plans to go to the movies, or out to dinner-- in the end we were gonna go back to fisher's house to chill for a bit, but then miriam's mom got upset and wanted us home, so we left at 11ish. still, the reunion had been over for an hour and we were still there, maybe 20 of us, only machon-- AMAZING. so eddie, miriam, and i took the train back down to the lower east side, chilled for a bit like old times. the three of us back together. *tear* it was sweet and nostlagic and made me miss the ridiculously long talks we all used to have about everything. and the night eddie and plotkin came to the bunk and i was talking to theise, and miriam and carrie didn't bother to come and get me for an hour. but then i found them and we came back inside and all hung out on carrie's bed. good times. we left eddie on the train and got off at delancey, then walked most of the way back to miriam's house. missed curfew by about half an hour... whoops. went to be, watched the italian job. end of night.
so that my friends, was my saturday. if you bothered to read it- i congratulate and thank you. if you just skimmed it-- i don't blame you, i would have done the same.