Full Metal Panic Drabble: War Paint

Aug 08, 2013 16:53

Title: War Paint
Fandom: Full Metal Panic!
Author: Starzki
Characters: Melissa, Sousuke, Kurz; implied Kurz/Melissa
Words: 100
Rating: K+
Summary: Melissa called it "putting on her war paint."
Warnings: None
Links: ff.net


I don't have a lot to say about this little drabble.  I just loved the idea of Kurz being brought to his knees by a sexy Melissa.

With the teall green prompt, I was mostly inspired by
luxken27's posts on nail polish.  I originally even thought I'd have Melissa painting her nails, but I think the eye shadow makes a little more sense and is easier to wash off at the end of the day.

Drabbling is fun!

full metal panic!, #don't panic, writing, fanfiction, drabble, meta

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