Full Metal Panic Fic: "The Sickness" Chapter 5

Aug 08, 2013 12:56

Title: The Sickness, Chapter 5: Didn't Know it Was a Devil Town
Author: Starzki
Word Count: 5599
Genre: Horror/Action/Romance
Rating: T
Story Summary: Alternate Universe. Sousuke Sagara is the long standing, long suffering bodyguard of Lady Kaname, the only daughter in a wealthy family. She has recently been married off to a distant cousin in the hopes that she produce an heir and will never be forced to leave her home. No one expected the zombie apocalypse. In time, it’s only Sousuke and Kaname fighting for survival and just hoping not to get bitten in this strange, new world.
Chapter Summary: Confronted by the streets he grew up on, Sousuke shares his past with Kaname.
WARNINGS: Mention of forced prostitution and child prostitution. Also, a slightly off-color story at the end.
Links: ff.net, AO3


This chapter was a long time coming, I know. I got busy with the end of the summer semester, but it's finally over and the creative juices are somewhat flowing once again.

The title of this chapter comes from Daniel Johnston's song, "Devil Town." Here's a good recording, but it's not the official video:

image Click to view

(FYI, if are interested in the singer there is an amazing documentary of his life called The Devil and Daniel Johnston.)

I knew I had to tell Sousuke's back story eventually.  The beginning chapters were so full of exposition that I waited a while and tried to find a way for him to share his childhood more organically.  So I put him back on the streets where he was haunted by his old ghosts.

This chapter was mostly dialog, which I think is both good and bad.  It helps with characterization and moves the chapter along quickly.  However, I find that I'm not completely comfortable with Sousuke and Kaname's voices.  It's mostly because I've changed their pasts to a great degree, so that would affect their vocabularies and their attitudes somewhat.  Kaname is a little more reserved that she usually is and Sousuke isn't so "military," even with his training.  I'm sticking with my characterizations, but I didn't fully anticipate this being a problem before I started writing this AU.  Live and learn.

Also, I'm not sure how deftly I introduced new and known characters.  I basically just shoved them at Sousuke and Kaname and had them deal with it.  I guess I'll see next chapter if I can start mirroring their old relationships and friendships.

One last thing.  I totally did have a friend who experienced Kyouko's story at the end of the chapter.  It was the funniest damn story that I've ever heard and I'm super excited to have stolen it and shared it here.  I hope I've done it the justice it deserves. :D

full metal panic!, #the sickness, writing, fanfiction, summer mini challenge, meta

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