Overwhelmed | Chapter 9 | Love

Dec 20, 2012 15:18

Title: Overwhelmed: Chapter 9: Epilogue: Love
Author:  starzki
Rating: MA
Genre: Romance
Word Count: 407
Summary: Kaname and Sousuke finally have all the time they need to come together and explore their feelings for one another. Spoilers for the series. Post Always Stand by Me, Part 2. Chapter 9: Epilogue: Love: The morning after.
LINK: ff.net


Here's the short and (hopefully) sweet epilogue.  As I said in my last notes, I wanted the symmetry in the chapters that focused on both Kaname and Sousuke's perspectives on the story as it unfolded.  Even more, I liked the physical symmetry of this last chapter.  Short like the first, it has Sousuke holding Kaname from behind, exploring his thoughts on happiness, where the first chapter had Kaname holding Sousuke from behind doing the same thing.

I feel all writer-ly, now.  :)

So, yeah.  I actually finished a multi-chapter fic.  I even made it by the end-of-year deadline I set!  This is the first one more than five chapters that made it to completion!  Woot!  I'm happy enough with it for now.  I do look forward to coming back to read it later to see if it's what I remember writing.  In any case, I've had a blast with it.

I'd like to especially thank
luxken27 or the Summer Mini Challenge this year which is what spurred me to start writing it in the first place.  You're awesome!

Now, I think I may go back to drabbling for a while. *phew*

full metal panic!, writing, fanfic, #overwhelmed, meta, ff.net

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