(no subject)

Apr 19, 2005 17:08

i hate how im so bad at bringing things up that really bother me
it's like..i want things to just flow along and be fine
but really i'm so irritated that it's not even possible
yet i guess i like to pretend that avoiding things makes them go away
though, duh..that's not true

today = a wonderful freakin day though
the weather was beautiful
i woke up really early, went to the gym, had a good day at class
got lots of work done while still enjoying the gorgeous weather
and hopefully am in the process of securing a job! *finally*
and if it works out, then it was worth all the hassle and waiting and freaking out
because it's with an amazing firm - a LARGE firm
that will be an amazing resume builder
but...it's still just a possibility
but i'll be really sad if it doesn't all work out

one month from tomorrow
and i'll be 1/3 of the way done with law school
hopefully i actually pass and am able to complete the other 2/3.

it's going to be 85 tomorrow...that's too hot for april!
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