Back with my dear computer

Feb 01, 2009 19:51

Latest headway with my Merlin fic:
* I printed off the first draft of the prologue before becoming temporarily parted from my computer, so I've been scribbling tweakings throughout the week. I finally altered it on my computer this evening. It's now clearer - dare I say 'clear'? - who I'm talking about when (with all the nameless hes and shes). I didn't change it that much, which is either a good thing or just because I need to leave it a bit longer and then re-read it again. My plan is to stop fussing with it for now and move on to chapter one.
* I've been pondering the sharing out of the near dying and I've been leaning towards giving Arthur's watery one to Merlin. However, I've just realised that would open up a plot hole. Or rather widen one that already exists as a crack. The good old 'Why doesn't the baddie just get on and kill the hero straight away, rather than allowing chance for escape?' With Arthur having the watery near death, the crack in the plot doesn't exist until a little later on, where it can pretty much be explained away. However, if I swap the boys' roles and so have Merlin receiving the watery near death instead, things fall about somewhat. It wouldn't fit properly with the evil plan revealed later and puts Arthur in a position that begs the question 'Why not try to kill him then and there?'. So, I suppose, I'm leaning back towards Arthur keeping his watery one, along with all the others. *sigh*
* I'm putting off thinking about how I'm going to fit Gwen and Morgana in. I keep pushing away stray thoughts about a sequel (for crying out loud, muse, I haven't written this hefty story yet!), but if I were to plan a sequel then Gwen would have a pivotal role in that. But a distant, not realised, possibility of a fic doesn't exactly help balance out the character appearances in a current, planned, begun fic.

Hopefully, I'll find time to start writing chapter one this week...somehow.

fandom - merlin

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