Merlin fic progress & The Eleventh Doctor

Jan 03, 2009 19:11

Well, it has been, hmm, over a week since my last post and my fanfic production remains conspicuous by its absence. However, there has been some planning! Quite a bit of planning actually. :D But...there hasn't really been any actual writing. And I can't decide how to start it. Oh, and it's long and complicated, so not the unambitious idea I was hoping for. *sigh* Nevertheless, I'm clinging to optimism. I need to get back into writing, I miss it so.

I haven't decided on a title yet, so I'll just refer to it as my Merlin fic idea. It centres on Arthur, but with lots of Merlin too. I've made a 'things I'd like to include' list, which includes Arthur-whumping, a journey with at least one night spent in an inn, a mythical beast, rain, a lake and possibly a magical book. Oh, and a secret will be revealed. And there may be a reoccurring dream (I do realise that I have a tendency to include dreams in my fics).

On a different topic, I'm worried about series 5 of Doctor Who. I'm struggling to have confidence in the Eleventh Doctor...I just can't see how the casting choice will work. :-s Ah well, three more specials of David Tennant to enjoy before then. :)

ETA: I have just made the lovely discovery (thanks to Wikipedia) that there are actually 4 more hours of David to enjoy, as the last special is in two 1hr parts (so sort of four more specials altogether). Woohoo! :D

fandom - doctor who, fandom - merlin

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