Woohoo! Merlin is back on TV next Saturday!

Sep 13, 2009 17:01

I plotted and planned a fic for the merlincapfics challenge. I even wrote the opening scene. But then I decided that I need to spice up the beginning with a prologue set during the later climactic part of the story. Or, I pondered, I could scrap the whole idea and write something else that starts in the heat of action. I was dissatisfied with what I'd just spent ages planning.

I think it's because I really want to write something about Arthur and his mother/birth, such as my huge Merlin fic. But I don't want to undertake such a huge project right now. I'm now thinking of picking apart the plot for my huge Merlin fic and using elements of it in shorter stories. But I think that would end up turning into a little series, not a standalone challenge fic.

So, after abandoning the challenge fic for a while, I read through my plans again today and decided that actually it's worth writing, especially if I go for the exciting prologue idea. The only problem will be keeping it relatively simple and shortish, so it doesn't take me an age to write.

Right. I shall go and fuel up on caffeine and get to work on it...

fandom - merlin, merlincapfics

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