It's time for Torchwood: Miracle Day 4x05 The Categories of Life! Wherein our heroes and maybe some people who aren't our heroes define the categories of life. There may be some ethical questions asked. And possibly some people's morals shall be compromised. You never know, man.
Here is a fanvid _thirty2flavors linked me to pass the time:
So in the fourth episode of Torchwood, we get the most hilariously lame episode title ever. I don't have a macro but here's a gif of Gwen being a BAMF:
Look, I googled the episode title and everything! So here is your discussion post for Torchwood: Miracle Day 4x02 "Rendition". Could the episode titles be any more comically specific?
Alright, here is your discussion post for episode 1x01 of Torchwood: Miracle Day (if there are particular episode titles, I... don't know them, lol) 4x01 The New World.
Starwhalians! Starwhalese? Starwhizzles. Today is the day. The day we have all been waiting for for like....10 months. I know. It's exciting! It's here! It's....
Spoiler warning for everything. It's only promo spoilers, so BBC-approved spoilers, but if you're avoiding everything at all you won't want to look. As always, please limit yourself to promo-only spoilers in the comments as well.