I LOVED IT. I wasn't sure about River in this episode until the Doctor was reading the box and it said "HELLO SWEETIE". I then promptly remembered why she's awesome.
So do we think she's definitely his future wife, or what?
I don't know, her conversation with the other guy implied it might be more complicated than that... the whole thing about how she can't let him know who she is to him, or he won't help them.
This episode was awesome, the creepiest one yet this season! I loved the Doctor/Amy moment in the tunnel (but was disappointed earlier when he said he was too busy to hug her). And I find it amusing that the Doctor does not seem overly thrilled about his future with River Song, lol.
LOL As much as I really liked the Doctor and River being all mommy/daddy to Amy, I was also disappointed that he did not hug her himself. Needs moar hugs.
I LOVED IT! Definite improvement over last week, imo, and I even enjoyed last week.
River Song was awesome. I was on the fence about her before, but she won me over. I don't know, I like that, with a chance to send any message for help to him, she decided to send "Hi Sweetie!" And that her escape plan was to throw herself out of an airlock and hope the Doctor would manage to hit the right spot at the right time. I like that she has ~secrets~
I love how Amy can never not look at something when she is told not to. STOP TELLING HER NOT TO LOOK, DOCTOR.
It wasn't quuuiiite as scary as Blink, but that's okay with me.
I spent most of the episode being like (in my brain) AND YOU AMELIA POND, DAUGHTER OF SCOTLAND; YOU HAVE SOMETHING IN YOUR EYE
I am still on the fence about River, tbh, but I am amused by how Time Traveler's Wife this is all turning out to be. (I haven't read the book, but I've heard tell). I'm sure that after a few more cryptic episodes, I will truly warm up to her and look back on my ambivalence and laugh. But today is not that day.
I can decide whether I should rewatch Blink or the Library episodes. Hmmm.
The labyrinth made me flail in the way all hints of mysterious subterranean temple things do omg. Time to go waste time researching things that will be of no use to me in the last two weeks of this semester. Huzzah.
Yesss, it's extremely Time Traveler's Wife which makes me a little sad because the concept has already been so famously done.
I'd say I'm on the fence about River too. I want to like her but she's making it hard. I understand that they're trying to make her fierce and powerful and sexy, but it's just coming out as irritating (to me). :/ Like I said, I want to like her.
Yes, exactly. And it's like, we know it's not Moffat being unable to write fierce/powerful/sexy, because, like, this is the guy who invented Nancy and Sally Sparrow and yeah, even Amy Pond. But something about River just crosses a line, I dunno.
I think this episode has provided enough new angles to her character that I'll always be interested when she's around-- but there's also always going to be that twinge of annoyance.
I think the main problem with River is the way she was introduced. If the Library eps had been in a different place in season 4, I think a lot less people would be so irritated by her, but instead, they just ended up resenting her. Idk putting THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER EVER right before Turn Left and the reuniting ark was not a good plan.
But, I feel like the Doctor feels the same way about her as I do, and that makes me feel more positive about her character.
Comments 59
(Still find River Song extremely annoying.)
So do we think she's definitely his future wife, or what?
Also- Sacred Bob. XD
River Song was awesome. I was on the fence about her before, but she won me over. I don't know, I like that, with a chance to send any message for help to him, she decided to send "Hi Sweetie!" And that her escape plan was to throw herself out of an airlock and hope the Doctor would manage to hit the right spot at the right time. I like that she has ~secrets~
I love how Amy can never not look at something when she is told not to. STOP TELLING HER NOT TO LOOK, DOCTOR.
It wasn't quuuiiite as scary as Blink, but that's okay with me.
Considering the Doctor's track record, it's a miracle she isn't dead.
I am still on the fence about River, tbh, but I am amused by how Time Traveler's Wife this is all turning out to be. (I haven't read the book, but I've heard tell). I'm sure that after a few more cryptic episodes, I will truly warm up to her and look back on my ambivalence and laugh. But today is not that day.
I can decide whether I should rewatch Blink or the Library episodes. Hmmm.
The labyrinth made me flail in the way all hints of mysterious subterranean temple things do omg. Time to go waste time researching things that will be of no use to me in the last two weeks of this semester.
I'd say I'm on the fence about River too. I want to like her but she's making it hard. I understand that they're trying to make her fierce and powerful and sexy, but it's just coming out as irritating (to me). :/ Like I said, I want to like her.
I think this episode has provided enough new angles to her character that I'll always be interested when she's around-- but there's also always going to be that twinge of annoyance.
But, I feel like the Doctor feels the same way about her as I do, and that makes me feel more positive about her character.
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