Computer help?

Jan 25, 2021 15:28


Y'all know I'm not the most computer literate person. I'm good at aspects, but not the totality, and often don't know how to fix things that go wrong.

So, I was reading Politizoom when all of a sudden, my computer wouldn't open the next article I selected; I got a "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead" message. It was very sudden -- I'd read 3 articles without trouble, then fzzt! I tried [a] rebooting my computer and [b] clearing my cache, but it didn't help.

This was in Firefox. I tried MS Edge, and it tells me "Your connection isn't private." And I think, "So? I'm reading, not sending state secrets."

I find it difficult to believe that the site flipped from "safe" to "unsafe" in the space of reading one article. I've notified the site through Patreon messaging, but no idea when -- or if -- anything will happen through that route.

There used to be a button on these warning messages -- sort of, "I don't care; take me there anyway." That doesn't seem to be possible anymore; I can't find anything to take me past the block.

Does anyone have any other suggestions about what I could try? I mean, it's not life and death in the grand scheme of things -- or even actually important; I can get news from other sites. It's just aggravating. I changed nothing in my computer as regards new programs loaded, and I use my internet via Hughes Net; there's no one around to have changed settings. I'm stumped.

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help, real life, computer

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