Sorry, gotta rant. Feel free to skip.
I use my own computer at school, but have a school printer. Last print job, computer told me the ink was getting low. So I wrote down the cartridge number, figured to pick it up from Special Programs one day after school, and have it on hand to swap out when needed.
Bright idea -- call Spec Prog and have the secretary just put it in the school mail. So, I called.
No can do. Technology has RULES! I have to wait till it won't print because out of ink, then put in a work order.
a. "Won't print" will be in the middle of a print job, naturally. Then I'm up a creek without the printed pages I need.
b. "Work order" takes at least three days to get any action.
Good GRIEF!!! Technology complains about not having enough time to service all the machines that need it, but they insist on taking time, effort, and paperwork to change a flippin' CARTRIDGE!?!?! grrr....
I ranted (mildly) to the secretary; I know it's not her fault. But I pointed out the ridiculousness of making them come to my school when I can do it myself. She said 'sorry', I said 'okay', and hung up.
Five minutes later, got a call; one of the tech guys okayed her sending it to me so I could change it when needed, so all's well that ends well.
But, really?!? You really want to waste your valuable time changing ink cartridges!?! Yes, there are employees who can't/won't do it themselves, but why make it a rule for everyone? Surely it wouldn't be hard to say, "Do you need us to install it, or can you handle it?" If they want Tech to do it, then go the whole work order route. Communication -- it's a wonderful thing.
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