Still no, bro.

Apr 26, 2012 00:01


My brother answered my rebuttal. Tired as I am, I had to respond:

Even if all the death and suffering they have caused is the work of the crackpot fringe, it sure seems they have way way more of those types than the rest of the worlds religions put together.

Because that's what the news chooses to highlight. I did some Googling

Terrorist attacks in US -- Muslims responsible for 6%

Terrorist attacks in Europe -- Muslims responsible for .4%

and this     An expert says, "most estimates would say 0.1 percent of all Muslims are terrorists or insurgents."

Even if it is 10 times higher -- if 1% of Muslims are terrorists -- spreading this type of bigoted hatred creates backlash against the 99% of Muslims who are trying to live ordinary lives, going about their business and supporting their families. We need to protect ourselves, but we should do that by targeting terrorists, not by targeting Muslims.

Not just on general principles, but on specific principles. At one time, the Italians were the target of reasonless bigotry -- If Grandma R were still alive, she'd probably be able to tell us of incidences she'd seen, or heard of, or maybe even experienced. You and I never experienced it, but it's quite likely that some of "our people" did. Knowing the history of baseless hatred, we should rise above it, not continue to perpetuate it.

Yeah, but it's always more fun to bash the other crazies rather than your own.

But you didn't specify the "crazies", you said "Muslims". There's a big difference. This kind of "fun" spreads to folks who are less analytical, and more inclined to "show them Mooslims what-fer", and innocent people get hurt.

There may be the occasional crackpot who tries to kill a doctor for performing abortions,

Google it; I'm getting tired. Over a dozen doctors and nurses have been killed in the past ten years. Hardly a month goes by without a clinic being attacked by bomb or arson. A couple of states last year actually proposed legislature that would make it not a crime to kill a doctor who provides abortions. It's not "occasional", and those acts of terrorism are carried out by white men who are "Christian". In short, our house is no cleaner than theirs; to pretend it is, is simply short-sighted and avoiding the issue.

As for them killing Americans -- Bush sent us to invade their country, and they fought back. Would we do less?


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