Apr 12, 2005 07:51
× Name: Tim
× Age: 19
× Sex: male
× Eye colour: brown
× How’s things: okay, that's a kinda weird question for one of these things
× Prostitute Name (Name of first pet + street name): another weird question, but i guess i'm Wolf Beechnut
× What was the last thing in your mouth: biscuits and gravy
× What underwear are you wearing now: none, wearing my robe since i'm about to take a shower
× How do you think you're portrayed to others: a nerd
× What rumour would you like to spread about yourself: i don't like rumours.
What do you?
× Desire: things that i can't share, unfortunately
× Smell like right now: fuck if i know, you can come take a whiff if you'd like and then you can tell me.
× See out of your window: well, if my roommate's desk wasn't in the way, and the blinds were open, i'd see the volleyball court and the basketball court and schultz
× Look for in a partner: someone who'll be there
× Have a fetish for?: your mom
Would you? (Yes or no (not Maybe))
× Ever have a one night stand: No
× Kiss someone of the same sex: what kind of kiss? a little peck on the cheek, or with tongue? what are we talking about here?
× Save someone’s live in risk of losing yours: Yeah
× Crayon colour: as opposed to normal color? i'll go with macaroni and cheese then
× Flavour: vanilla
× Quote: "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." -James Dean. maybe i should start doing that.
× Possession: my letters
× Time of day: the times when i'm sleeping
× Movie: Return of the Jedi
× Person: ooh, that's a hard one. i don't think i could pick any one person. all the people that have been there for me, especially recently, ali, rj, josh, all the brothers, liz, all of you.
× Emotion: joy, is there anyone who doesn't want to be happy?
× Happiness is…: a myth
× If you were the opposite sex for a day what would you do: sleep. same thing i do now.
× What was the last lie you told: wow, i'm not sure. it's been a while, the whole corps of cadets honor code thing and all.
× What couldn’t you live without: my friends. all fo them
× What do you wear to bed: now that it's warm, a pair of boxers and maybe a t-shirt, but normally not.
× What song would you like played at your funeral: "Curse of a Fallen Soul" by Dropkick Murphy's
× Sleep: i don't get enough at night, so i sleep through classes
× Cat or dog: dog
× Bath or Shower: depends. if i just want to get clean, shower, but there's something relaxing about a nice warm bath
× Candles: what about them?
× I would do anything for love but I wont do…(what?): compromise my values
× If you could have a cup of tea with anyone who would that someone be?: i don't drink tea.
× What are you thinking right now: things that i can't say here (no my mind is not in the gutter) if you want to know, ask and i'll probably be able to tell you.
× It’s your first time to have sex (even if it isn’t) explain how you would like it to be: wow, talk about random questions
× Who do you idolize: i don't know if i idolize anyone anymore.
× What is your obsession: i don't think i obsess over anything.
okay, those were some really random questions in there, but what the hell, it killed some time. now i think i'll take a nap.