Dec 09, 2004 14:23
today at work i heard darrel abbout aka dimebag darrel was shot by some fuck. dimebag is the most influential metal guitarist in metal today. the only equal to zakk wilde in influence. his brutal riffs and crazy shredding techniques have been a lesson to me several times over the years. his tone is unparalelled which is why i put a dimebucker pick up on my guitar. im gonna miss him.
in the mean time the anonymous crowd recorded last night and now were going through the long and arduous process of editing. itll sound good though.
tomarrow i have a show at the gaslighter in gilroy if anyone wants to go. should be fun times.
ive been busy... lots of shit on my mind. for example how the fuck am i gonna make rent next month???? what the fuck is up with paige being a bunch of douche bags???
today at work my boss told me i was going slow on purpose so i would have more hours even though i was 20 minnutes ahead of schedule. it was total bullshit and i dont take that so i started yelling at him. he threatened to fire me and of course being the stubborn asshole i am i kept pushing. finally he apoligized. lil bitch. fuck that guy. i need a cigerette. i havent even had one today.