Mar 21, 2011 12:05
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I'm going to step down as mod after the next phase. What I'm hoping is someone wants to run this place, that's kind of essential. I've had fun with it, but I'm running out of pep and enthusiam for it, so I think it's time to bring someone in who has it. To make it easier, on everyone, the new mod, and participants, I have a strategy!
My plan is, to have a co mod for this phase, someone who hosts challenges, to get the feel for it, and other comm things, so they know what they're getting themselves in for. I'll still be doing what I do, so they'd be like a mod in training! Then the next phase, they'd be completely in control. I might drop down to the secondary mod slot for a little while, see what happens there.
Of course this all depends on someone wanting to take over this community. So I'm opening this post up for people to express interest. I'm not sure how to do an application for this, so just comment away if you are interested, and we'll go from there. Obviously you need the enthusiasm for it, and the time. It's pretty much an every day thing, so you need to have the time to do something most days. Questions/challenges/tallying/planning. So if you think "you may have time", it's not really going to work. You need to be able to definitely have time.
You'll be able to stay on your team as "mod in training", but if you step up to full time mod, you won't be able to. You'll be on all the teams, sort of!
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