Your handy dandy guide to Ingrid's employment drama

Jan 20, 2008 12:01

Because people keep asking 'Ingrid, what is up with your employment situation?' and I am really tired of explaining 'Suckiness'.


In May of last year, I found out I flunked out of law school (despite having been assured by one friend that she knew many stupid people who got into law school and were successful therein).

Not having a job at the time, I stopped trying to find a job that would look on my resume for the law positions I would now not be applying for, and settled for 'things that will pay the rent and won't suck very much'.

I got rehired at one of the city's many staffing agencies which had employed me a few summers prior, planning to apply for real jobs between assignments.

I ended up getting an assignment that lasted from the end of May to the end of August.

And then it was extended to the end of December.

And then there was another week in January.

This sort of thing gives one a false sense of security on the job front - you might almost think you had a real job - but things like being extended for a single week knock some sense into you.

I started looking for real jobs around the end of November.

I came home from my holiday visit to my parents to find that one of the places I had applied to had actually contacted me for an interview.

I acquired a job. For a market research company who needed people who spoke French for an upcoming, and rather large, project. This would actually result in full time hours, from Monday to Friday.

After working for four hours on my first day, the project was cancelled.

By the second day, so were my full time, day hours.

I am now working four days a week, in the evening, for this market research company.

I work about 28 hours a week.

This does not amount to very much money, although as long as I never get sick, the cats never get sick, and I spend as little as humanly possible on food, I should manage.

My life, particularly on the job front, is basically sucky, but in a low key, autobiographical indie comic kind of way, which means most people just find my misfortune hilarious.


I'll try to find something new to post soon, but I haven't been writing, I haven't been drawing, I haven't been reading. Mostly, I've been fishing in Okami.


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