My name is Ingrid, and apparently I hate the thought of having self-confidence

Aug 14, 2006 20:52

Tir is covering everything in snot and trying to eat cherries, despite the fact that I'm sure he'll manage to choke on one of the pits if he has his way.

Decided to scan and upload the latest three pages in my sketchbook, because they look perfectly fine on paper, which means putting them on a computer screen will probably allow me to see all kinds of lovely, lovely flaws in them.

My intelligence is obviously vast and I shall fit right into law school.

Page one is just random, random, random, hey look an attempt at an unusual angle, God, that turned out badly. Page two has some awful arms and hands going on, a bit of terribly anatomy up at the top, Aron looking none too shabby, Christian looking like he's wearing /eyeliner/ which I'm sure is his fault and not mine, at all, and Ditto looking uncomfortable. I love drawing Ditto somedays. As is evidenced by the fact that Ditto's also on page three with ... some other folks with truly horrible hand/arm things going on, but other than that, not bad.

I've actually been working on getting down what is, for me, some terribly complicated anatomy. There's /upsidedown/ness on the part of one, which makes it all the more complicated. Something looking as good as it does rightside up when upside down is a sign of solid artwork and a good grasp of anatomy, perspective, blah blah blah. Preliminary sketches of this tentative piece suggest I still lack these things in sufficient quantities. I believe I've been trying to distract myself. Ho hum.

Highly underwhelmed,
Almighty Ingrid, Signing Off


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