I'm starting to think DC comics should just hire Eric Burns

Aug 14, 2006 14:25

Eric Burns has an essay up on Websnark about sexism in comics that's quite a good read, nice to see produced by someone who isn't on girl-wonder.org (although they've got some bangup stuff over there, too), but is really more fascinating for the comments it's getting.

By which I mean, when a fellow compares girls being fans of American comics to men being fans of tampons.

I am in no way lying or exagerating - "If you're a woman who happens to like Marvel and DC's flagship product, more power to you, but your appreciation for it is akin to me being a tampon fanboy; and I certainly wouldn't presume to move that tampons should be easier for men to use. That would be totally misunderstanding what I'm a fan of." Right now, I'm just busy scratching my head trying to figure out who should be more insulted by this metaphor.

Life is confusion,
Almighty Ingrid, Signing Off


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