I told Meg I'd do this, and as I have to leave to write an exam shortly after having got maybe six hours of sleep, I am in the prime condition to make good on really stupid things I promised to do.
So! Fic-type thingies request is now open!
I think anyone who would a) request something and b) have their request actually acknowledged instead of being
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*dead laughing at Kon*
*huggles Kon*
Best. Ending. Line. Ever.
And poor Bart, Wally's gots twins. The world should be scared, very scared.
And y'know, I always thought Kon and Cass's TT outfits were y'know, supposed to match each other. The Black Tees and the slackeriffic, in that too cool for kevlar/nomex type way.
My choice is 'Iconoclasim and Heresy'.
Hey. Just think. It could get weirder. They could be Don and Dawn and with a pinch of time travel-- Bart could be his own grandpa!
*killed dead*
See, if I give you any spoilerifficness when the Flash title relaunches. =P
Now on the off chance that it's actually good and kick ass...
My money is actually on Bart as an adult but...
I think I'll also stab something's face if it's an adult Bart. I don't /want/ an adult Bart. I want /Impulse/ back. If it's an adult Bart, I'm sure they're just doing to do further things with his character that I'll have to deny.
Y'know, I will be strangely content if it's an adult Bart. He won't be anything like the Bart we know and love. Because there'll be like maturity and stuff, so he'll become a little carbon copy Flash, which'll suck. Majorly. But at the same time... if it's not Bart this time around and if it is Wally, that means we probably won't get to see Bart as the Flash for another twenty years or so. Which will really annoy me. Because really. Bart does deserve it and I'd like to see it happen while I still care about comics.
*so thinks it's a "if not now, then never" situation*
The only thing that could hink it up is the whole "Kid Flash" thing. Which, I really do agree with Bart becoming Kid Flash. I like how he wanted to show Wally that he was capable of living up to his namesake, then he sure as hell better be capable of living up to Barry's. But John's pacing was shitty about it. I wanted it to happen but just not in the cataclysmic knee shattering way. ._.
But, yeah, I do think if it is Bart, we'll hear more about Barry than Wally. Hell, poor Kyle heard shit loads about Hal. Old school baby, goes a long way.
Now watch. It'll be Barry. And all my speculation will be for naught! *dramatic pose*
I don't want Barry back, either. I think I could handle one of Wally's kids without my brain exploding much. I wouldn't mind a return of Wally's grown up kids /and/ a properly Bartish Bart, but ... DC is not going to make me happy on this count. I just know it. It'll be /Wally/ and then I'll have to do some punchin'.
... yeah, having Barry back would do nothing for me. I bet the fanboys would love it though. Wally's... kid... omg. I'd spork myself if it was Wally's son. Spork. Spork. Spork. (I'd rather have Wally. ._.) But really, who are the other options? Johnny Quick and Jay Garrick aren't near as popular enough to carry the title.
Bartish!Bart... I'm not even sure I can picture how an Adult!Bart would act... ._.
It's not so much that having Barry back would do nothing for me, it's that having him back would cheapen the legacy he's built up. He's managed to remain this really pure figure, especially for speedsters, and I think that's /good/ that they have that kind of ideal. But they can't keep him that way and bring him back, so let him stay dead, having died a (double) hero's death, eh?
If Wally's son turned out a lot like /Linda/ I could get behind it, maybe.
I don't imagine it would be Johnny, since he's been /dead/ for, what, ten years, now, and was never a major player. I think a title built around Jay would have the potential to be really quite cool, but it would probably alienate the audience.
I do remember saying that what I think would be cool, is if Bart /is ( ... )
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