first entry in quite a while...and it's a survey!!!!

Jul 06, 2006 21:20

[A is for age] 19

[B is for beer of choice] Corona light...i guess.

[C is for career] unemployed student...

[D is for dog's name] puppy, wilbur...who looks like the dog from pirates ;)

[E is for essential item you use every day] erm...caffiene...

[F is for favorite song at the moment] the pop singer's fear of the pollen count by the divine comedy

[G is for favorite games to play] solitare...haha.

[H is for hometown] claremont, i guess...

[I is for instruments you play] i used to sing it's just to myself and very poorly...

[J is for favorite juice?] hibiscus cranberry

[K is for last kiss] -_- <- me, glareing at this question.

[L is for last hug] ma mere

[M is for marriage] far, far in the distance...i can't even see it, it's so far away.

[N is for the name of one of your best friends] i don't like to use that label.

[O is for overnight hospital stays] i don't recall any.

[P is for phobias] crowded places and i tend to get a little clausterphobic at times...

[Q is for quote] a whole bunch of my favorites are on my facebook.

[R is for biggest regret] all the stupid things i say in the course of life.

[S is for status] painfully single.

[T is for time you wake up] 10-ish...that's when it gets too hot to sleep

[U is for underwear] dark, med, and light blue polka dots...

[V is for vegetables you love] anything but lima really depends on my mood and what's in season.

[W is for worst habit] these surveys

[Y is for yummy food that you make] i don't cook much...but i'm told i'm a wiz with the salad dressings...haha.

[Z is for zodiac sign] Aquarius
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