meanderings on the end of the year...

Jun 19, 2006 14:21

so...just in case you are out of the loop, reading this for the first time in a long time, or have been living under a rock for a good portion of your natural born life...i'm home for the summer. yup...i'm here to work, rest, and be a claremonter for three months...hang out with me for a little bit sometime? yes? hit me should know my cell by now. If you don't, ask me or someone else that knows...

so, yes...first year of college...lots of new experiences...and i feel like i know myself a lot better. It's surprising how much i learned about myself by actually being away from those who know me...

i still have a lot to learn, i think...


so, new in, i think i'm falling for someone from ucsc theatre...someone different than ever before. I'm not going to divulge any info about this person just yet. The point is, par usual, i am falling for this person. and, par usual, it is a hard fall. it's kindof exciting because...well, new love is always exciting. but, i'm worried. i'm worried that any random flirting is just me thinking this is anything increadibly seriouse and it ends up that the gazes i keep catching from this person is something completely different. i hate that there's no way for anything to develop in the meantime...until which this person will have forgotten about me...and thus, my love life becomes even more of a failure. fuck. whatever...i guess i'll just work on getting better skin and a better body this summer and maybe the human will ba a little more interested than ever before...maybe i'll see them again next year.

whatever. *crosses fingers*

job hunt news- things are looking up for my employment status. I'm going back tomorow to talk to the managers i went to see today who weren't available...and i'm turning in more applications. *crosses fingers another time*

anyway...there you go...a little bit of info that catches you up in the happenings of my life...hope you enjoyed it.

again- call me and we'll hang out. don't call me and i won't know if you're interested.
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