When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
The quote is from a human named Harriet Beecher Stowe, who amoung other things wrote a book that helped cause some of the unrest that led to the American Civil War (Google is so useful) and it seemed interesting enough to post.
((If it sounds like something that came off the back of a box of green tea, there's a reason for that.))
ran Dreadmoon's name through something known as a
Sloganizer. I thought I'd try it on myself.
You don't want Thrust as your enemy!--True enough.
Where's Thrust?--I'm right here. Obviously.
There's only one true Thrust!--I begin to like this machine.
You wouldn't want to miss Thrust.--Oh, quite true. It could kill you.
Thrust for your life--I'm not sure of what that's supposed to mean.
I can't believe it's Thrust.--This is also something that could get you mangled. Believe it.
It's my Thrust!--I think the Sloganizer is getting possessive.
Thrust values.--Values what, exactly?
There is no life without Thrust.--*static noise* Well, that's a tad over the top...
Lucky Thrust.--The degree of luck remanins to be seen.
Just for laughs, Starscream:
Starscream... whatever you want.--I thought this thing was loyal to me.
Firstclass Starscream!--Oh, please.
Starscream never sleeps.--That's mildly disturbing.
Starscream makes dreams come true.--Nightmares, perhaps.
Life's beautiful with Starscream.--I think the Sloganizer is broken. Or traitorous.
And a few for Kalis herself:
Kalis's like heaven.--It seems to be working properly again.
I wouldn't leave the house without Kalis.--Nope. Still making no sense at all.
Don't worry, Kalis takes care.--The nature of the care depends on who you are.
The one and only Kalis.--Indeed.