Have you ever heard of a roller coaster? It is an amusement for humans in which the track takes them quickly upward, then down again, and occasionally makes them very dizzy.
This also quite accurately describes my day. I ventured into the Nexus this morning attempting to find a way of stopping those nasty
rumors about my feelings towards Dreadmoon that seem to be circulating about the tower. Unfortunatly I did not expect to run into the human
Baofu. And to make matters extremely worse, that was exactly when Starscream showed up. I wasn't sure what to make of him, so I told him the truth. Restrain your laughter, please. At any rate, there it was. And I didn't have much of a choice at that point. Starscream forced my hand.
I made my proposal. I hadn't planned to ask Dreadmoon that suddenly or dramatically, but I did it.
*optics brighten drastically* And he hasn't said "no" yet.
*The rest of the entry is locked and text only.*
Blast Starscream and his temper. This was not the controlled situation I wanted to ask him in. But Dreadmoon's body language and tone show that he is wavering and this, for me, is a good sign.
Let me back up a little. I've been playing the part of the suitor with Dreadmoon for quite a while but it was only recently that I actually sat down and began to question my true motives in this. And it came out to a rather unexpected answer. I enjoy being around Dreadmoon and speaking to him. I find him physically attractive and quite intelligent. And seeing him
smile the way he did when I handed him that datapad made my spark feel brighter. The whole thing is entirely ridiculous, but there's not much I can do about it now.
watched Dreadmoon speak to Starscream, and I gathered that he holds at least some small feelings for me. Whether they are the feelings I want is the question of the month, but I am content to wait for his answer. Let him take his time, for now.