John and Edward prompt table!

Dec 27, 2009 19:11

 Here's my John and Edward prompt table-  I'm not good with LJ so I'm going to be posting the prompt responses underneath in the order that I wrote them :) Hope you enjoy!

1. Family

2. Jeans

3. Music

4. Fearless

5. Steal

6. Suitcase

7. Phone

8. Paper cut

9. Restaurant

10. Shower

11. Pen

12. Scars

13. Friends

14. Bed (dreams)

15. Laughter

16. Home

17. Odd

18. Warm

19. Test

20. Bully

21. Game

22. Attack

23. Fever

24. Ice cream

25. Love

John had lost his phone and Edward had lost John.

Things really weren’t going well for the younger Grimes twin that day.

One minute he had been stood with his twin talking to another couple of hopefuls in the queue to perform for the judges and the next he was alone in one of the corridors off of the main hall.

Fair enough, he had been the one to wander off, setting off on a quest to find the toilets and then getting distracted by signs for a cafe, before getting confused by said signs and getting completely lost, but, John had been the one to lose his phone and so, Edward reckoned, this was all his brother’s fault. If he could just phone him, ask him to come find him, then he wouldn’t be in this position, would he?

He sighed and scuffed his converse on the floor, making a loud squeaking sound.

Had John even noticed he was missing yet?

He slumped against the wall before sliding to the floor, following instructions his Mother had drilled into him since he was a small child- if he got lost then stay put and wait for someone to come find him.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and considered texting his Mum or his Dad but then decided against it- they couldn’t do anything all the way back in Ireland and he really didn’t want to worry them. So, instead, he settled on a game of snake.

He was seconds away from beating his highest score when he heard footsteps coming down the corridor and his game was forgotten.


Edward scrabbled to his feet, “John?”

His twin rounded the corner of the corridor, his face flushed but relieved and a wide grin slowly forming.

“Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”

Edward shrugged, mirroring his John’s grin, “I got lost.”

“Duh, I figured that out.”

“Then why did you ask?”

John shrugged and then looked around, “Do you know where we are?”

“No-oh.” Edward drew the word out into two syllables, “I’m lost, remember.”

“Oh, yeah.” John slung an arm around Edward’s shoulder and pulled him close, “But at least now we’re lost together.”

Edward grinned again, “Yeah...”

Because maybe John had lost his phone but he had found Edward and that was all that mattered, really.



“Yeah, John?”

“Have you packed the blue shirt?”

“The blue one?”


“Like, the one with the stripes?”

“Yeah, your favourite one.”

“Oh, yeah, that one. I like that shirt.”

“Have you packed it?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t know where it is.”

“You were wearing it the day before yesterday.”

“I know, I think I put it in the laundry.”

“Have you checked?”

“No, Mum wouldn’t let me- she chased me away from the washing machine, she still doesn’t trust me with using it, I mean, it’s been, like, a month, I thought she’d be over it by now.”

“Did you ask her if she’s seen the shirt?”


“Why not?”

“I thought she was going to, like, hit me with the broom or something, I had to get out of there. She got pretty angry.”


“Do we really need it?”

“Yeah...I mean, we’re, like, going to audition for the X Factor tomorrow. Don’t you want to be wearing your favourite shirt?”

“Yeah...But, I don’t want Mum to get angry with me again.”

“Do you want me to go ask her?”

“Yeah, that’d be, like, deadly.”

“You owe me big time.”



“What do I have to do?”

“I don’t know yet, I’ll think of something though.”

“Like last time?”

“It’ll be better than last time.”

“Good because last time was a bit lame.”

“Do you want me to ask Mum or not?”

“I’ll shut up now.”

“Yeah. You should check the suitcase before Mum does, I’ve done most of the packing already.”




“You know you owe me? You can repay me by doing some packing, too. I hate doing it as much as you do, you know.”

“That’s lame.”

“I know.”


Edward hated their scars.

They would have been perfect mirrors of one another, would have been able to been mistaken for each other and hidden behind the facade of the other to keep safe in their world if only they didn’t have their scars. He hated them and couldn’t look in the mirror without his eyes drifting to the scar just above his lip- the scar that John didn’t have- and hated it because it meant they were different.

Looking at John both made his heart soar and his fists clench. He loved his twin so much that it hurt but he could never meet his twin’s eye, he could only ever stare at the scars and hate. Hate that they were used by others to work out which twin was which and through this their world was torn apart. When they were ‘the twins’ or ‘John and Edward’ there was anonymity and safety with one another but that was destroyed when they became ‘John’ and ‘Edward’ because they lost each other, lost their defence mechanism and found they had nowhere to hide.

Hiding meant that he could lose himself in John and let himself drift in his twin’s presence because John would keep him safe, just like he’d keep John safe. In their world was no sense of being separate, no acknowledgment of their scars, just them as one- just how it should have been.

He hated the idea of being separate, of one day having to grow up and get girlfriends and move on from one another. Live separate lives and not know everything about every single second of the other’s day. Just the idea of half an hour without his twin was like torture- not being able to experience everything with his twin by his side.

The idea of growing older terrified him, them. The immaturity they used as a shield, a form of denial that they were reaching that stage in their life that meant they would have to be forced apart. Because they both knew just how much they wanted to tear them apart.

If they kept hiding just that little bit longer, savoured every second, then maybe, maybe, they could deny the scars and ignore the boundaries of ‘John’ and ‘Edward’ and pretend that nothing would ever change, that it could never change because all they had ever had was each other and nothing else mattered.

The longer they kept hiding, the longer they kept pretending, the greater the chance of their scars fading to nothing and their boundaries collapsing, the greater the chance of their survival. The longer they kept fooling themselves, then, maybe, everything would be okay.

And God knew Edward was willing to play the fool for that.


 He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt the sun on his skin or the wind pull at his clothes and no amount of staring out of the window could ever compensate for actually being outside. He couldn’t remember anything but the four walls that held him prisoner.

John would say he was being dramatic but Edward knew he couldn’t understand the torture he was going through.

Because, because John wasn’t with him anymore.

He was gone.

Edward didn’t want to think about, not when he was so close to tears already, he didn’t want to think about anything, especially as it was all his fault.

He turned over in bed and refused to look at the pale and empty walls. He screwed his eyes shut and blocked everything out except for the calming background noise, the steady rhythm assuring him he was still alive.

Though, as he had realised from the second that John had left him, life was not worth living without his twin.

He must have fallen asleep again (how much had he slept since the accident?) but jerked awake at another nightmare.

John had been there. Had pulled him away from danger only to get caught up in it himself. His brother’s wide eyes and shocked yelp replayed itself over and over in his head and all he can think of is it’s all his fault.

John would still be here if he hadn’t been so stupid.

Edward barely held back the sob that bubbled in his throat.

He didn’t notice when the door his room opened or when soft footsteps made their way to him. He only noticed the other person’s presence when the bed dipped as the person sat down on the edge of Edward’s bed.


Edward grudgingly opened his eyes and stared up at his older brother, “Hey, Kevin.”

“How are you holding up?”

Edward let out a soft sigh and tried to keep the tears from his eyes and voice as he spoke, “I’m okay, I just...I just miss John.”

“I know you do but you’ve got to pull yourself together, kid, it’s only been an hour.”

Edward sighed again, “It seems like forever.”

“Honestly, Edward, it’s only been an hour, they should be back soon.” Kevin poked his youngest brother in the ribs. “It’s your own fault anyway, if you had just been patient and waited for Mum to wash your jeans for you then you wouldn’t been in this mess.”

“But I wanted to wear them! How did I know the washing machine would go and break?”

“Edward, you put a whole box of washing powder in there! The whole kitchen was covered in bubbles and soap!”

Edward crossed his arms across his chest, defensively, “I didn’t know that was going to happen!”

“Mum was so angry when she saw what had happened to the kitchen- it’s a good job that John pulled you out of the way of the broom or you’d have been smarting for days, shame that she hit him instead.”

“I feel so bad!”

“And then she grounded you for two weeks and dragged him with her to buy her a new washing machine.” Kevin laughed, “The whole thing was quite funny.”

“Ha ha.” Edward said in his grumpiest tone of voice.

“I know, it was hilarious.”

“Why did she make John go with her? Why couldn’t he have stayed at home with me?”

“Because,” Kevin said, standing up, “She knows that there’s no bigger punishment than keeping you two apart.”

“She’s mean.”

“She is,” he paused at the doorway. “But you’ve learnt your lesson, haven’t you?”

Edward nodded, “I’m never going to try and wash anything ever again!”


 John often wondered if the world revolved around Edward.

The way his brother smiled was sure to light up any room they were in and brighten those having even the blackest of days.

His laughter was like nothing John had ever heard. It was so beautiful and full of happiness that John couldn’t help but laugh, too, and realise just how good life is.

And when his twin spoke, he could do nothing else but stop and listen. Edward had a way words that could captivate the interest of anyone within a ten foot radius, everyone stopping to listen as Edward spoke.

There were other things, too, the little touches here and there that would make John’s heart flutter and the hugs that would make fans go weak at the knees.

John loved the special hugs that Edward reserved only for him on nights after gigs when they’d crawl into bed together, too exhausted to do anything but sleep. An arm around the waist, pulling John close, and another resting softly on his shoulders, their legs would entwine and Edward would pull him so close that their foreheads touched. These moments John would always treasure and he had wished more than once that the moon would stop so they could stay like that forever, so perfectly comfortable and at peace.

He knew a million girls would kill to be in his place and that their dreams, too, featured his beautiful twin- joking, laughing, smiling. The things that turned nightmares into dreams and brought light to his sometimes dark world. These things John knew he couldn’t live without.

John loved it most, though, when Edward would look at him.

Just one single glance was enough to convey his love, his pride, his trust in John and a million other things that the older twin knew he could never put a name to.

And, it made him feel kind of special, too, because the world might revolve around Edward but Edward’s world revolved around John and that was all he could ever want.

fanfic, prompt table, john and edward

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