Dear all:
s-sorry about the brightness. I have the restraint of a magpie when it comes to buying paper.
Taken when I was about halfway through
and a closeup: yes, yes it looks like angpao packets orz
For the record, I am bad at origami and did not perform very well in mockup class. However I believe those envelopes /should/ last until they arrive at your doors.
and I think I can post these off in time for christmas for people in Europe/US/Canada, but since the last posting date for everywhere else was... yesterday and I obviously haven't started drawing them yet I'M SORRY PLEASE THINK OF IT AS A NEW YEAR'S CARD
other works put on hold till I finish these, sorry to the people who friended me to see art.
Comrade, yours has extra content (and is probably larger because I don't think what I have planned would look good in that small a size) so it's not here and I'll probably be sending it later than the others - but you will get it before your birthday I PROMISE.
dates for my own reference:
US/Canada/Eastern Europe last posting date - 10/12
Western Europe last posting date - 11/12
UK last posting date - 21/12
hnnnnng I feel that I should go online more =3= maybe I can now that I don't have to pull the 24-hour project deadline thing anymore;; the first part of this week was a total fiasco urgh I must try to avoid this deadlines due on consecutive days thing next term *picks classes carefully*
I was talking (okay, whining) to
chikotori about how bad I am at cultivating acquaintances online, how lazy/unmotivated/terrified I am to get basic stuff like a dA (not going into twitter territory yet tho that's where everyone seems to be, so I'm tempted but at the same time uncertain because I'm afraid it'll just get created, and I don't want to simply break into cliques or anything, and then in the end it becomes dormant) sometimes I wish we had no internet and everything was done through letters (since I like email and letters are the closest format to an email) etc...
and since she is a very levelheaded person, she said : "shut up and just sign up and worry later." (not in so many words)
Also I'm a consummate lurker so I read/look at people's stuff a lot but don't comment unless I'm familiar with the person... but to gain familiarity one must first establish a point of contact and I guess that's what I should work on.
tl;dr my alone time is my happy time?? but at the same time I'm crying out for attention.
And I have a bunch of unfinished stuff that I don't want to upload till I finish them but what with christmas cards, GARmany trip and college (I still have full day printmaking classes until the end of next week. mmmm delicious smell of ink) ... it'll be a while. I have finally got the seed of an idea for
untold_destiny's erstwhile commission so I'll be working on that as well.
Ate up Kuroshitsuji like it was a bag of kompeito (guilty pleasure). Separate post on it later.
stuff I typed out during the week and meant to post but didn't want to clutter up flists-
funny superhero website:
superman is a dick French animation tutor's theory on the English obsession with weather: (accompaniment: hand-waggling)
"You English! You cannot just say out loud that 'so and so, you're cool! I like you so and so! Man you're awesome!' no, you must start talking about the weather! What is so interesting about the weather?? You!" *points at hapless British student* "You are English, right? Isn't that true? You always talk about the weather?" "W-well, yes I suppose we do talk about the weather a lot.." "You see? Always the weather!" etc.etc.
so.... "It's such a sunny day today!" would potentially mean "Marry me" ? interestingggg gotta use this in a gag somewhere
He's a cool guy. Talks a lot (not about the weather, haha).
I felt happier about my last-minuteness when I saw about half my class in line to hand in for the essay deadline and it was all "HA HA HA HA I STARTED WRITING IT AT MIDNIGHT!!" and "REALLY?? I STARTED AT 10 BUT THE BIBLIOGRAPHY TOOK ME 2 HOURS SO... AHAHAHAHA!!"
lol art school
There are a few routes I take to and from college, I usually take the British Museum one but the other day I decided, for a change, to go past St George's Bloomsbury (a church designed by the redoubtable Nicholas Hawksmoor, who also designed among other things Christ Church Spitalfields, better known as "that Jack the Ripper church"). The front bit of St George's Bloomsbury is pretty normal (to my uninitiated eye it looks the same as the facade of St Martin-in-the-Fields) but since this is a Hawksmoor creation this is what he did for the steeple
Did you see it?? The man in skirt showing off his muscled midsection lion and the unicorn on the steeple?! The steeple itself is unique in shape. Hawksmoor was a pyramid/obelisk otaku so he incorporated them into as many churches as he could get away with.
church with a weird steeple (through no fault of the architect) is in Chesterfield.
Edit: Have found out that man in skirt showing off muscled midsection is actually George I of England in "roman costume". Odd, had originally thought it to be Heliogabalus or some such. Am not used to seeing Monarchs of England glorified without clothing. Reason I'm so fascinated with this is that unlike Italy, England does not have all that many statues in the round of partially-nude men lounging around in public view (Arthur prefers
naked women), so my radar went !!!!! when I saw old George preening on top of that steeple.
ameeeeeee where is the best place to stalk you about doujin? I'm toying with a few ideas atm, woman you know I would totally start plurking or tweeting or whatever it is to communicate with you