doodled in sunnier, happier times (while falling asleep during crit last week, in other words)
Got some more to upload really but I'm saving them for themed dumps/when I do proper writeups.
Comrade I'm sorry I was not of more help for Porty TAT
If anyone sees me replying stuff (actually scratch the replying bit nowadays I'm just this creepy stalker who reads and doesn't reply but refreshes pages about a million times an hour) or bumming on msn, please just tell me to free fall off a cliff or something lol because it'll have a similar effect on my project grades i.e. "fail".
meme - you've probably seen this going around (who starts these things?):
You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.
儀文 (仪文)
it's the word for JUSTICE with a dan ren pang (at times like these, my engrish fails me orz)
I'm very proud of the traditional version for that reason damn you musou
I think the first word means manners; the second word means culture.
21. People will tell you that my mental age is 5. They are probably correct.
1 minute away from Pollock's Toy Museum, 5 minutes away from the BT Tower/UCL and 8 minutes away from the British Museum
Slacking illustration student
None DD:
I would like to have 2 . ... and beyond that I have not thought much :x
One older sister (25) who is not like me at all rofl Her hobbies are clothes shopping and sleeping (<--- ok, this is a similarity). She doesn't like anime/manga, but she can spot BL undertones from a mile away.
I used to fight with her when I was younger (I was a real brat), then she tamed me into an obedient servant who does all her chores. This state of affairs continues, but nowadays since she's started working, she buys me random presents and nice food (and so does her boyfriend) so I guess I'm now a "favoured servant".
...j/k my sister is awesome though it doesn't change the fact that if she tells me to jump, I still ask "how high?"
I have a Labrador at home. She's large and strong, so if you hit her, she thinks you're playing with her.
When I'm away, no one combs her fur. :(
* Deadlines ha ha ha ha
* Christmas cards
* Trying to get enough balls to set up a deviantart account and lets not even talk about doujin see: below
* I FOUND ANOTHER FANARTIST IN MY CLASS AND WE ARE SWAPPING CONSOLES DURING CHRISTMAS HOLS/MAYBE DOING DOUJIN?! nah we're such slackers, and and and she wants to do russiamerica, i obviously want to do fruk, and she's much better at serious stories, and when I draw serious stories I start to laugh, and we are both totally fucked by our course schedule, the way this is working out it's probably not happening - CONSOLE SWAP IS DEF HAPPENING THOUGH *SWEATY OBSESSIVE GAMER HANDS*
My mum is an architect although she didn't become one because she wanted to be one - she did the course because she thought it was less boring than accounting or economics. She sometimes helps me to sketch backgrounds esp. interiors and she tried very hard to teach me perspective, but I was a fail student (I still remember her "HOW CAN A CHILD OF MINE BE SO STU- *facepalm*" look ahahahah)
Dad works in the Public Works Dept. He's a Thaiphile and Anglophile banana, and puts on a superior British accent when he lectures his kids (who is he trying to impress). Sometimes shows serious signs of master-of-the-house/siu ye mentality
ahaha I'm doing the rl version only cos it's embarrassing otherwise =w=;;
My flatmates. I have never been exposed to nor participated in so much mutual fangirling in my life. Without their, er, threats encouragement, I would not have started obnoxiously posting fanart.
panthael_angel is the Boss,
chikotori is the Underling. (I'm the Other Underling.)
My horny pet
djkiku, who shares the same birthday 8D
Other friends are scattered orz they're mostly from high school. I shall just quote the aspiring architect in Edinburgh on John Soane's Museum: "So there's this dude, he collects awesome junk and arranges it in this awesome house he built specially to put his awesome junk in..."
As for coursemates,
edohsama is a Jrock fan and occasional partner in crime, when our timetables don't clash; and there's also a fellow fujoshi :3
ok now I go back to drawing a really skewed angle of buildings in Old Havana -- I AM VERY FRUSTRATED GRRRR I take breaks for the express purpose of hitting my head on the table. jndajafdfska suck so bad at buildings :|
and I would still like very much to do Christmas/New Year's card art trades btw