Your Favorite Show Ever: TV 30 day meme DAY 4

May 29, 2010 20:49

Aaand now back to this meme thing...

Your Favorite Show Ever!!
Okay I'm cheating so hard right now because I seriously can't pick just one show.  I love these all for very different reasons, and to avoid playing favorites because that would be impossible, I am placing these in alphabetical order...

Battlestar Galactica

I have to admit, this is the only show on my favorite list that I did not start watching from the beginning.  First off, the original show SUCKED BIG ASS FRAKKING RUSTED TOASTER OIL.  It was horrible. I hated it.  Everything about it sucked and til this day I have yet to sit through one entire episode.  Second, I really hate robots, especially talking ones, so I had absolutely no desire to ever watch this.  Everyone at the time was telling me it's nothing like the original and I need to watch it because I would love it, but I did not believe them.  However.. During the Eighth episode of the Second Season, I found out Lucy Lawless (Xena) was going to be a guest star so of course I had to watch her episode.
     So I tune in and HOLY-MOTHER-FRAKKER I am instantly hooked!!  Besides Lucy's character, I find out Starbuck is OMG TOTALLY SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER AND KICK ASS AND A WOMAN AND HOLY HELL..  Thank the gods that there will be a meme day about favorite characters because I could squee about Kara aaall day!!  Anyway I immediately went out and go the mini.. fell in love.. bought the first season.. and I've never looked back.  I even bought a Pyramid Ball prop at the BSG auction and am working on getting the whole cast to sign it.. so far I only have Rick Worthy & Ron Moore (OMG genious).  I hope to get more at Dragon Con this year!!


asldfhasdghaisdpofha THIS SHOW!!!!!  I truly think that all of these shows on my list can be considered epic to some extent.  FarScape was truly a one-of-a-kind masterpiece! The show had EVERYTHING.. The pretty: the ugly: Fighting: Romance: Guns: Explosions: Love: Torment: Happy Times: CRACKY EPS!: Dark Moments: WTF Moments.. I really wished we had more seasons of this fantastic show.  It's one of those shows that I can put on ANY episode and instantly have a smile on my face, even if the ep is a dark one.  
     The characters were also very diverse and also very different.  The bad guys all had very unique personalities and sometimes you even wanted to route for them (although I love bad guys so maybe that's just me).  The main characters also had fleshed-out back stories and everyone got featured at some point.  They never felt like they were wasted of just put there as filler.
     When it originally aired I was a bit skeptical for the fact being that it was being produced by the Jim Henson co. and involved "Muppet-like" characters.  I honestly hate muppets/puppets/all that crap.  BUT FarScape seriously made you forget about that completely.  It was so well written/acted that you didn't even realize that half the time the characters were talking to puppets!!!  I think I want to jump into a wormhole right now..

Legend of the Seeker

Okay, by now, if you don't know my thoughts on this show, you need to immediately take me off of your friends list because you clearly don't pay any attention at all.  T H I S   S H O W  ! ! ! ! !   I don't even.. it fucking defines EPIC and brings it to a whole new level!!!!!  It's one of those rare shows where every episode truly gets better and better.  Yes, there are those sporadic filler eps which suck here and there, but overall the show HAS IT ALL.
     The second season for me was what really did me in with the introduction of Cara.  Her character and the added presence brought the Seeker game up to a whole new level.  This is a show that can practically do anything, however does have to balance a fine like to avoid crossing over into "omg-cheese-ball-territory." Well, it certainly performed with finesse and never crossed that line.. ever.  Epic love; Epic Fighting; Epic Hair.. this damn show should have easily gone on to live a few more seasons.  

Xena: Warrior Princess

Oh show.. how I miss you.  This is the reason I even found out about Seeker in the first place.. because I was following Rob & Lucy's careers.  I have been to more Xena conventions than I have any other conventions combined.  I fucking love this show!!  The relationship between Xena & Gabrielle was just phenomenal.  Every time I thought, "oh there's no way they can still be together after she did that.." they proved me wrong.  Relationships like that (even on a best/friend level) are nearly impossible to find.  These characters literally went through hell together and always fought their way out of any situation.  
     I just wish there were more characters like this on television.  Lately shows just barely skim the surface of their characters.  They're not written in depth and are mostly just boring shells that I can care less about.  It's a shame that we really are losing the fantasy genre because it has produced the most amazing shows/characters/worlds for us to live in.

Prior TV meme days...
Day 01 - A show that should have never been canceled
Day 02 - A show that you wish more people were watching
Day 03 - Your favourite new show (aired this TV season)
Day 04 - Your favourite show ever
Day 05 - A show you hate
Day 06 - Favourite episode of your favourite TV show
Day 07 - Least favourite episode of your favourite TV show
Day 08 - A show everyone should watch
Day 09 - Best scene ever
Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 11 - A show that disappointed you
Day 12 - An episode you’ve watched more than 5 times
Day 13 - Favourite childhood show
Day 14 - Favourite male character
Day 15 - Favourite female character
Day 16 - Your guilty pleasure show
Day 17 - Favourite mini series
Day 18 - Favourite title sequence
Day 19 - Best TV show cast
Day 20 - Favourite kiss
Day 21 - Favourite ship
Day 22 - Favourite series finale
Day 23 - Most annoying character
Day 24 - Best quote
Day 25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new)
Day 26 - OMG WTF? Season finale
Day 27 - Best pilot episode
Day 28 - First TV show obsession
Day 29 - Current TV show obsession
Day 30 - Saddest character death

xena, legend of the seeker, battlestar galactica, meme :: tv 30day, farscape

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