Streets of Philadelphia (RP for tommyisabrat)

Jan 24, 2008 19:57

Steve stepped down Market Street toward the Liberty Bell, feeling a little uneasy. The last time he’d been in Philadelphia, he was helping the survivors of a bombing that Bucky had been responsible for. It wasn’t the most pleasant memory to associate with the place, no matter how well the city seemed to have recovered from it ( Read more... )

tommy, rp

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tommyisabrat January 25 2008, 02:25:41 UTC

Tommy was confused.

He had a lot going for him. Cool place to stay (even if he did feel out of place). Cool new friend (even if he was too scared to admit he was excited to have a friend). He had powers (he didn't really know how to use), he was brilliant in school (what? he was!). He had Tony (sorta) (sometimes) (when Tony remembered). And now he had an awesome new side project all Cerenoing for his friend pretending to be Bats (which, awesome side project to the awesome side project, he was totally going to roll into meeting Supergirl).


He also had Jean, his should-be-mom, talking dirty with Bats about Wolvie which was just freaky weird no matter how you slice it. And Wanda, his actually-is-mom, flinging herself at Bats one minute and starting rumbles over Bat Signals versus America Signals the next. Which is seriously? Just Fucked Up.

So, he was looking forward to seeing who he considered his only sane should-be-parent (even if he was supposed to be dead).

He appeared beside Steve with a rush of air. "Boo!"


starspangledcap January 25 2008, 03:11:39 UTC
Steve wasn't startled. He'd worked with Pietro Maximoff for years; he knew how to anticipate speedsters. And even if he hadn't been expecting him, he still would have recognized Tommy's voice immediately.

So he turned around, almost leisurely, and flashed Tommy a wide smile. "Tommy. It's so good to see you." His instinct was to pull him into a hug, but he thought the boy might feel too old for that, so he stuck out his hand instead.


tommyisabrat January 25 2008, 05:34:34 UTC

Tommy peered at the outstretched hand. He would prefer a hug, but he'd never admit it. He half-shook, half-slapped Steve's hand.

"You, too, Old Man."

He rocked back and forth, nervously.

"Uh. Whatcha wanna do?"

He said the words so quickly they blended together.



starspangledcap January 25 2008, 05:52:17 UTC
Tommy was nearly vibrating in his nervousness, and Steve put a hand on his shoulder to steady him. "We could spend some time here," he said, waving his other hand in the direction of the Liberty Bell, "but I don't know how interested you are in history. We could just get lunch for now, if you're hungry. Or we could go somewhere else in the city. I've heard the zoo is very nice."

It occurred to him, belatedly, that the idea of a zoo might not be as exciting to a 16-year-old Tommy as it would have been to a 12-year-old Tommy, but he hoped the boy wouldn't be offended by the suggestion.


tommyisabrat January 25 2008, 06:21:42 UTC

"I'm hungry," Tommy answered. Then, quickly, worried that Steve would think him unappreciative. "But, uh, we can go to the zoo if you want."

He shrugged. It was hard to be polite and indifferent and interested and blase all at once.

"Uh. That guy on Iron Chef has a restaurant here. I think. Or, no way - National Treasure was filmed here, right? Let's, like, find the Amish marketplace place. Cool?"


starspangledcap January 25 2008, 06:34:45 UTC
"That sounds great," Steve said, understanding what place Tommy meant even though he had no idea what - film? television show? - he was talking about. "Reading Terminal Market is about six blocks away, I believe."

He started walking in that direction, aware that Tommy was apt to be frustrated with the relatively slow pace. It was probably for the best that they weren't going any further.


tommyisabrat January 30 2008, 00:43:57 UTC

Tommy was bored with the pace. (Seriously, how do people live like this?) But he was happy to be spending time with his should-be-dad so he pushed aside the boredom and tried really hard to listen as Steve pointed out all the historic points of interest between the square and the market. This actually took a great deal of concentration, Steve should be proud. Tommy preferred science, math, engineering and most particularly computers. Historic stuff was really not his thing.

The market was pretty quiet since it was after the lunch rush. Tommy looked over the rows of eateries, many run by the Amish. "Uh. Whatcha want, Steve-o?" He couldn't remember what he'd liked best in the other world, and what's to say his not-dad would like what his dad had anyway?


starspangledcap January 30 2008, 02:24:04 UTC
Steve was getting the impression that he was not very good at this. Tommy was obviously uninterested in Steve's attempts at making conversation about their surroundings, however much he was trying to hide it. But Steve didn't know what else to say. He knew they had to discuss Wanda, and Tommy's apparent affiliation with Batman, among other things, but Steve had no idea how to open those conversations. And he had no idea how to make small talk, either.

Steve looked out at the market; since Tommy had mentioned the Amish, he probably wanted to go to one of their eateries. "What about the Hatville Deli? That should give us plenty of options." And something to do with their hands and mouths, during the inevitable awkward pauses in the conversation.


tommyisabrat February 8 2008, 00:04:34 UTC

"'Kay." Tommy sped over to the deli. Sped for average folks, it was ridiculously slow for him.

Thing is, he was here and he was sitting and he wanted to talk but he didn't know what to say.
I wanna move in with Tony.
I hate school.
I miss Billy.
I miss you.
I miss Wanda and Jean.
How come nobody misses me?

"Uh. I'm gonna get a shake. And a burger. And fries and rings."

What? He's a growing boy.


starspangledcap February 8 2008, 01:37:29 UTC
Steve smiled. "That's fine. Get whatever you like. I've got plenty of money." Tony never had stopped sending the SHIELD checks, even after Steve had found himself a job. The least he could do was use the excess money to treat his - to treat Tommy.

Steve ordered a burger and fries for himself, along with a Coke, and a few minutes later they were sitting at a table, food before them.

"So, Tommy," he began, "How are you doing? Be honest, please."

They might as well jump right into things.


tommyisabrat February 8 2008, 01:49:14 UTC

"I'm cool."

He answered without thought, the words out of his mouth before he'd really processed everything Steve had asked.

"I mean- "

When he said honestly what all honestly did he really mean?


Tommy took a big sip of his shake.


He shrugged.

"It's all cool."


starspangledcap February 8 2008, 01:55:38 UTC
It was a very good thing that Steve's many enhancements included augmented hearing and speedier mental processing. He heard every word Tommy said. But when he'd finished, Steve didn't have any idea how to react. The Super-Soldier Serum hadn't granted him that power.

He ran through Tommy's words again, and decided to start with the part that made the least sense. "Tony said you had to prove what?"


tommyisabrat February 8 2008, 01:59:47 UTC

"That I'm no kid. Kids don't live in Stark Tower. Avengers Tower. Whatever."

Tommy sat up very straight and frowned, attempting to look adult. It made him look younger than ever.

"I'm no kid, Steve. Val's a kid. Not me."


starspangledcap February 8 2008, 02:06:50 UTC
"There's nothing wrong with being a kid," Steve said, and his face was full of sadness and regret. "You may have powers, you may even be a hero, but that doesn't mean that you don't need looking after." He looked down at his burger. "We've all failed you, in that respect."

"I can't speak for Tony," Steve continued, "But he probably only said that to protect you. To try to help you like we haven't before."


tommyisabrat February 8 2008, 02:17:50 UTC

Yeah, you did all fail me, he wants to shout. But instead he pushes away his plate angrily.

"I don't need protection. I can take care of myself 'cause I'm not a kid!"


starspangledcap February 8 2008, 02:26:01 UTC
"Everyone needs to be cared for," Steve said, quietly. "Kid or not. It's part of being human."

He nudged Tommy's food back toward him, and was suddenly struck with the memory of sitting in front of an infant Tommy in his high chair, trying to get him to eat his mashed carrots from a spoon that he couldn't quite convince him was secretly a train. He'd never been easy to convince of anything.

"I know I haven't been around, but I'm here now. So talk to me. Tell me what's wrong with your school. With your friend. I want to help."


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