fandom: disney, fandom: doctor who, rp: world ends in wellington, haircut, fandom: high school musical

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  • So I got the butch Shane haircut anyway

    starshone_storm Oct 02, 2007 17:32

    And I look considerably different considering A) my hair's only one color and B) I don't have a good stylist. Or a stylist at all, for that matter. Here is a terrible photo taken on my phone.

    And here are more bad photos taken on my phone at the blood place last night. Good times.

    One of these days I will stop making bad anime manips/ movie Read more... )

    rugby world cup, mad skillz: writing, events: birthdays, haircut, rpg: digilife, rp, photos

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  • Ganked from the Tar Valon folk

    starshone_storm Sep 30, 2007 01:24

    Show the contents of your purse, without editing.

    I'm not actually working with a purse at the moment, per se. Here's a photo so you can all be suitably horrified.

    Okay, now that's over with:
  • Two burnt DVDs with almost the entire seasons of Digimon Adventure and Digimon Tamers, and then a bunch of random crap to fill up space. For Chris: We were ( Read more... )

    polls, haircut, lj: memes, lj: ask the world

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  • Oi, Jess!

    starshone_storm Sep 28, 2007 14:34

    Got any good photos of Kate Moennig/Shane that show her haircut really well? I need a haircut.


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  • I could've met the President of the Philippines on Monday afternoon

    starshone_storm Jun 01, 2007 20:56

    But Dad thought I wouldn't be interested =|

    Looking forward to Shakespeare Day. Our class is studying Titus Andronicus, so we have numerous and gory plans for our banquet table (there is to be a contest), and current acting assessment plans involve me cross-dressing but not playing an old man (I'm wanting to play young Lucius at the moment, need ( Read more... )

    school: latin, extracurric: girl guides, poetry, internals, trouser, psychology, school: english, mad skillz: writing, fili, family: raeann, haircut, extracurric: choir: choral fest, school: event: year 12 ball, shakespeare day

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  • A year ago today, I saw my first lesbian movie (Imagine Me & You)

    starshone_storm May 27, 2007 18:49

    I need a haircut. I need a haircut in the sense of I haven't had a haircut since the summer of '05-'06 and now I'm getting split ends. You may recall I asked a few months ago whether I should get The Shane from The L Word or something like Yulia from t.A.T.u., but I have come to realize that those are more summer haircuts. Also, I need something ( Read more... )

    haircut, lj: ask the world

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  • I've been thinking...

    starshone_storm Feb 04, 2007 00:24

    ...that I really don't want to go back to school. The thing is, I'm sick of being cooped up at home as well. Lose-lose situation.

    Two people (hallo Aimee, hallo Carlen) on my friends list are on exchanges at the moment. That, an article in the Dominion Post on some Marsden girl who exchanged to Germany and loved it, and that French exchange ( Read more... )

    events: birthday parties, school, st. teresa's, life: performances, life: singing, insomnia, karaoke, fili, haircut

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  • Best line of this weekend

    starshone_storm Sep 18, 2005 18:27

    "Maybe it was gay and its parents kicked it out of home."
    - Sophie on a very small and squishy lemon found in Cummings Park. We planted it in the hopes it would grow into a tree.

    And because I am bored, ( photos. )

    life: singing, haircut, hair, friends: chris, idolblog meetups, photos

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  • Look, public entry for Sunil if he's reading

    starshone_storm Sep 16, 2005 18:50

    The object of the game is to stump the person writing the journal. I've been writing in my livejournal for years, and can't possibly remember all the topics I've talked about in that time ( Read more... )

    math, haircut, hair, friends: chris, idolblog meetups

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  • I badly need a haircut

    starshone_storm Sep 04, 2005 20:56

    My fringe is like Teresa's. It is at that stage where unless I brush it a certain way, it looks like I can't see.

    I'm getting a haircut in the holidays in time for the onset of summer, and it'll probably be shorter... considering hacking off my fringe only I've got acne scars or something equally yucky on my forehead.

    Current ideas for celeb haircuts to ripoff... )

    haircut, photos

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