My frigging Tumblr queue is broken again :[

Jan 19, 2011 21:27

I started a post for stuff I watch/read/play/listen to/write/draw/bla bla bla. W00t. And nights and nights of flicking through fashion blogs first for character research (of course I haven't ended up playing the character) and then out of boredom are making me consider making my own. Though seeing as I don't make an effort every day it won't be daily outfit posts; might throw in posts about random trends or "I want!" or something. idk.

I actually enjoyed the Skins USA premiere. It probably helps that I'm not very attached to gen 1; I'm pretty sure I've only seen UK01x01 once or twice. I loved the girls, though, in a way I didn't with UK. I'm also pretty fond of Abbud (probably because his and Tea's relationship reminds me of my boys) and I like Stanley better than Sid. I'm so keen for Tea's episode next week.

The only thing that really disappointed me was the cheerleading, and I think that's because I just marathoned a quarter of a season of Hellcats last week. Needed more flying and stunting! :|

I've been attempting the Percy Jackson series thanks to my sister the library. I like the concepts and a handful of characters but I hate all the Ass Pulls and Powers As the Plot Demands (okay, enough TV Tropes for me).

Oh, I guess I mentioned it on Facebook but not here: I got into both the limited entry theater classes I wanted. \o/ Space, Light, and Text and Classical Theater Workshop. This actually comes as a surprise to me: Apparently they judge who gets into these based on grades and relevant experience but didn't actually ask about any experience, and none of my theater experience beyond like the THEA 101 workshop has been with Vic. Oh well, shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth et al.

Right now I am getting confused as hell trying to file my US taxes (WHAT DOES IT MEEEEEEEEEEEEAN) and Twilight is on. It's like one huge sandwich of awful. On the upside, pretty much the whole family is snarking Twilight. On the downside, they are no help with the tax thing and websites I was recced are geared at US residents.

fandom: camp half-blood, fandom: skins us

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