Yesterday out of "I missed the bus" boredom, I went to my old high school for a visit and catch up with some of my old favorite teachers, ie. Mrs. McKenzie and Ms. Sutherland. It turned out Ms. Sutherland was away so I got Mr. Maskill instead, but still, it was lovely catching up, not to mention a lot easier than the last time I dropped in, as with the seniors on exam leave, they all had less classes they should have been in.
I happened to drop in on Mrs. McKenzie as she was settling in for lunch with Wendy in the careers office. Among other things, I told her about Latin and what we were looking at and how I was finding it after jumping in from seventh form and how I keep knowing the Aeneid texts that are supposed to be unseen. The little ones are still coming into Latin :D Though apparently QMC and the Correspondence School are dropping it! D: So hard to get people studying it in this country. She did, however, mention that with 200 level Latin you can teach up to Year 11 and with 300 you can teach the seniors, so, possible career choice there while waiting around for a film project. We also talked about my Spanish and how it sometimes gets muddled with Latin in my head though it and Filipino do sometimes help. Most amusing piece of news from her: The teachers have started a ukulele orchestra. :D Though unfortunately they're not good enough yet to play prizegiving, haha.
Mr. Maskill was of course more interested in my opera paper, and then also my film and theater papers, and how at 100-level they tend to aim things at everyone to try and get more bums on seats. Though after his substituting for Latin so much when we were sixth or fifth form, he was interested in Latin too. :) He also helped with my "teaching as backup" wonderings/worries; he said it seems many people with arts degrees end up teaching at some point. So, it could happen! Heh, he was most understanding of "I'm going to Disneyworld! ...That never stops sounding ridiculous."
On a total whim I also dropped in on Ms. Henjyoji. It was rather awkward wandering into the English department was filled with n00bs. And Henjyo, at her laptop as always. She totally called me out on visiting high school again as "kind of sad". :P But she was the most enthused about my Disney thing, partially because being American herself she gets Disney more than most Kiwis I know do and has friends who've worked there, and because (as I'd forgotten) it was always her class I was looking up overseas schools in so she knew I was "always gunning to go overseas"; she was always really supportive of it too, telling me to get a bank account set up right away and everything. So she was giving me all these tips on getting to LA (where the studios are!) and taking the Greyhound bus or the train and getting a
student ID so I can grab student discounts everywhere even though I won't technically be a student over there and "you know the drinking age over there is twenty-one, right? hey, do you get that Asian thing, where you drink and then you turn really red?" She said if I was coming out in hives from half a cup that was a really serious allergy and I should be carrying EpiPen! AWESOME. I now have something to put down on food allergy/health and safety forms. And ha, she brought up something I'd been half suspecting too, that I'd been hired because "you're ethnic, Disney loves ethnic".
Because Henjyo is awesome and, well, people in our class were also looking up things like running away and joining the circus, she was also the only teacher I was quite comfortable with telling her that I'm partially running off to Disney because I'm sick of uni. She asked what I was studying and was like "god, why? no wonder you're sick of it", haha. She suggested looking into Vic's study abroad options, too. Really, her enthusiasm made me feel a lot better about the whole thing; I've been feeling pretty down about it later but she perked me up again.
Best moment: I told her I was too tall to be a character performer (she's tiny) and what heights they were looking for for what characters and she went, completely seriously, "Wow. I could be Winnie the Pooh. That could be my backup career. I never thought about that. :|a"
Runner up best moment was her bitching about her Year 9s. With WGC's new sixth month subject options for Year 9s, she's gotten roped into teaching Year 9 media studies. Apparently her Year 9s are made of fail: They had no idea what a podcast was, totally failed at recording them on time, couldn't work the recording stuff, and couldn't upload anything anywhere.
"Really? I would've thought they'd have practice uploading random stuff to Bebo!"
"That's what I thought!"
Having occasionally sat through her bitching about our class, it was fun hearing it about someone else. xP