gotta say, I'm kinda freaked out by the down-to-the-address location detector

Jul 16, 2009 21:07

I like my new Latin teacher, Judy. She's one of those people who looks kind of scary from a distance but she's actually really nice. And we're doing the Aeneid this sem! Book four again. :D Shh, I like having an advantage.

Opera class seems interesting so far; we were discussing common perceptions of opera like how people view it as elitist and expensive. To me those perceptions felt rather imported: I went to the opera for $30 for my birthday. We had to watch Moonstruck for tomorrow's lecture. I didn't really like it.

I finally figured out why my film class is three hours long: The first hour is a lecture, and the next two are a film screening. Tuesday was The Wizard of Oz, today was Donnie Darko. Among the screenings are some international films, Psycho again sigh, Jaws, She's All That, Beauty and the Beast, one of Peter Jackson's early films, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and This is Spinal Tap. I'm looking forward to it! The main lecturer's fun and I managed to make him believe my friend's in love with him, hurr; he brings up some interesting things to discuss. Even the assessments look fun; there's one that's storyboarding an imaginary sequence.

For about half my Spanish class today I was convinced I'd forgotten everything I ever knew about Spanish. Then I pulled out the most flexible sentence finisher ever as we were discussing things that make one angry or upset: Cuando mi novia besa una otra persona. It got a laugh out of the class. :D Although I'm a little annoyed Teresa took it heteronormative when repeating it slower and with a decent accent. Oh well. Can't win 'em all.

I took Raeann to Te Papa yesterday. I told her more about earthquakes. She has this radar for buttons: She'd just run up to the activities and start hitting buttons waiting for something to happen, without reading the instructions at all. "What does this do?" Nice going. :P Oh, and she didn't like the giant squid, heh.

After my fawning over rocks and maps, she informed me I should study geology. Best source of course advice evar.

I was trying to set up Vodafone HotLink so I could top up my phone direct from my bank account but epic failed when I tried to use the phone's automatic features to do it, and I can't find another way. I guess my phone's too old. :|

Dress shopping for Andrea's debut continues to suck. Trolled through several shops along Lambton and Willis today (Andrea was originally suggesting Leather Direct and then she saw the size of my school bag) and found about two white-cream dresses that didn't suit me; all others were the wrong size and/or expensive enough that I'd only buy them for my debut, not someone else's. Andrea conceded half and half dresses (along the lines of this but they don't tend to suit me either. :/

Still not eating or sleeping right. This will be fixed.

Lastly: I'm writing a crack recasting of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya with Digimon Savers characters. >>; facepalmplanned

And I need help with one tiny bit that doesn't require knowledge of either canon, just lousy acronyms that don't use all the words' first letters: In Haruhi, the SOS Brigade is either Spreading Excitement all Over the World with the Haruhi Suzumiya Brigade or the Save the world by Overloading it with fun: Suzumiya Haruhi's Brigade. What's something along those lines that could abbreviate to DATS? So far all I've got is Daimon Masaru's (...) Squad. I need probably a phrase with words starting with A and T that gets across excitement, fun, and/or fightin' time. (Something about Ass-Kicking T_______, maybe? Ehhh...)

fandom: haruhi suzumiya, school: latin, school: film, school: spanish, fandom: crossover, fanfiction, school: opera, mad skillz: writing, fandom: digimon: data squad, events: debuts, life: shopping

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