Feb 02, 2009 22:49
So I'm back! Let's see.
The doctor says I'm pretty much fine but my mother insists on a blood test to make sure I'm not anemic.
My celebrity crush on David Tennant is getting downright ridiculous. Apparently discontent with Doctor Who and Doctor Who: Confidential I have also started watching Blackpool for two reasons: David Tennant and musical numbers. And then the next day I DVD'd Who Do You Think You Are with little idea what the show thought it was, but just that it had David Tennant that week.
I'm on a bit of a biography kick at the moment; oddly enough this (read: Doctor Who) is making me more interested in history. So far I've finished Secret Diary of a Call Girl (it was in the biography section at the library; it counts, barely) and one on Casanova and reserved a pile on Madame du Pompadour. (This probably makes it very easy to guess which episode of Doctor Who was on last week.)
Finally had that beach bunny picnic I was whining about all last week. It started with icecream eating and arguments on economics at the train station (which Jo and I just abandoned to go and buy food) and ended in sunburn. My shoulders are killing me. Here are the mandatory bad hair and bikini photos.
I went to a wedding yesterday. The couple had been civilly married for years and years but now they were getting church married. I really love weddings, but Filipino ones are too long because we have so many traditions to get through: Coins as well as rings, blessing the veil, a cord...
Once again the reception was catered buffet style and I was at a table that was waiting for dinner while the important people got dessert. (My parents seem to end up as sponsors a lot while Raeann and I end up at a table where we're the only ones under eighteen.) Though this time I was seated with resourceful people who went and stole the food anyway, I would like you all to promise me that this will not happen to me at your wedding. :[
Once the reception turned disco I was asked five times in the space of ten minutes why I wasn't dancing. The answer is I Don't Dance. [plays baseball] Seriously though, when you've learnt so much choreography you can't dance without it any more. It's a really dumb problem in my life.
I had my first day of market research work today. It was interesting. I am in awe of one of my coworkers who is not only hot glamorous but very good at just starting conversations with random people whether or not she's doing the survey. I am also very grateful to morbane who keeps sending people my way.
Four things I learnt at/about work today:
1) I apparently get significantly more sleep when attempting to do so at ridiculous times of morning given nothing to do the next day. Something to get up for reduces sleep when I need it most.
2) Trying to make a pixie cut look presentable in the morning is an exercise in futility unless one wants to look like an extra from the latest Indiana Jones movie. A male extra. From the diner scene.
3) Courtenay Central is not actually bustling at all ahours: At 8AM it is merely a thoroughfare and only McDonalds and Starbucks are open. Only corporate America gets up early.
4) Being enrolled in tertiary education does not, unfortunately, guarantee knowing which course one is enrolled in.
fandom: doctor who,
celebs: david tennant,
events: weddings,
work: market research: surveys,
being: sick,