(Specifically, on the art trade: I'm particularly after other people's takes on my
digilife RP character
Ash, as, depressingly, his Digimon has more icon bases than he does; though I'd also be keen on Tamers slash or fic illustrations or something. At the moment my style just seems to be anime and practically all I have up at my dA is character designs but I'd be willing to attempt a scene or something.)
Digimon Tamers in Tagalog, what the heck. Finally, a foreign dub I can understand! Left to right it's Takato, Ruki, and Jen, and the big guy in the back is Growlmon. I like their Ruki and Jen, Takato and Growlmon sound a bit old.
I've started an app for Jen at
avoria_academy. It seems to be turning into an essay (2516 words and counting). Not to mention the app I started a while ago to play Ryo and the notes I've started taking on Ivan while playing Golden Sun (yes, this is how I've been developing my Tamers characterizations, I took notes throughout the series)... Why can't this kind of thing happen to my music homework? And if that and Ash weren't enough I seem to have started writing up an app to play Ash's host sister Megumi. Oh dear, if I'm not careful RPGs are going to eat out of house and homepage.
That, or icon challenges. After getting booted out of the h_e LIMS at round six, I've entered a Gossip Girl icon challenge and another GG LIMS. I've never even seen Gossip Girl! What if it hits here and it turns out to suck? I hate
a bad book to screen adaptation!
...well, at least the cast is really pretty.
Keen to spend my $50 Westfield voucher, I went shopping today.
Got myself a topup card (because I accidentally txted an 027 person and then was literally eight cents short of this month's $10 Txt, the frustration), and then I embarked on an epic quest for a $30 or less sundress. This looked set to be futile considering it's the start of the season and the only dress at Urban Angel (shut up) I vaguely liked, I'd seen on a ten-year-old and as such was rather put off. (The perils of shopping in a girls' store as opposed to womens'.) But then I suddenly remembered AJ Pop. Ah, the shop that makes me wish I was a celebrity and had an excuse to have loads of formal-ish dresses. I managed to find a casual dress there for $25 and the day and $5 was saved!
Of course, shopping meant I was exposed to more fashion trends to take offense to:
Pinafores are apparently still in. I hate whoever decided this would be a good idea in the first place, as (I realize I'm in the minority with this, but) I had to wear these things for six years. So over them.
Maxi dresses. Again, possibly minority, but I swear those things are taller than I am!
Mini dresses. Yeah yeah, minority (I swear I'm the poster girl for minorities), but not all of us who don't fit the maxi dresses want to flaunt our legs!
Mini-rant over. :P Return to scheduled meme blogging. And if anyone caught the partial quote in this entry, you win...at life. Or something.