Goddamnit, I don't have my Shameless Plug icon any more!
ANYWAY: If anyone's in the mood for original fic from this year, Golden Sun fanfiction from er 2003 (okay, this will be no one on my flist), or way too much Harry Potter fanfiction from 2005-2006; freakishly early this morning I went and spammed the hell out of
spiralunbound (I pity the poor people who already have it friended). Go on, make it feel loved, catch all my Wellingtonish references. I also posted
a crappy photo of a sketch in
And if you're in the mood for
shoebox_project icons (why, yes, Sophie who is
mad_as_soup, I am looking at you), before I went to Christchurch I finished
fifty of them for an icon challenge. I feel the fact that I did this in about a week is a hallmark of how bored I was.
Wow, if only I could be this productive with schoolwork.
What a freakishly accurate quiz! I don't know how they do it.
Caryl took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!
"Preoccupied with things of an intensely exciting n..."
Click here to read the rest of the results.
Except this bit IMHO (anyone who's been with me - wait, that's two people - care to disagree?):
Remains emotionally unattached even when involved in a close relationship.
Poll A poll, because I am bored and curious!Also: Why do you usually use this style? Do you think you're good at it, do you enjoy what you can do with this narrative style...whatever.
So I guess I should answer this: I usually use second person meaning a character, present tense as of late. (Yes, I know most of my
spiralunbound spam is in limited third or first and probably past, but most of my
spiralunbound spam is from 2003 or 2005-2006.) I don't know, I just really enjoy it. It seems to come pretty easily to me - if I'm having trouble with a story, I shove it into second person present tense and it tends to work fine. I'm a bit obsessed with it, to be honest. Every time we do creative writing at school, the teachers are like "you can use first OR third person" and I'm like "WHAT ABOUT SECOND?" - Ms. Rae-Asare kind of hated it so I never used it, Ms. Pidduck is like "well, okay, go for it!" (And, naturally, at least one person in my class is like "What's that?" and I have to explain.)
I shall finish this off with a meme:
Give me a fandom and I'll give you all the relationships in it I ship romantically, platonically, and crack and WHY.
So I suppose my fandoms would be:
Harry Potter (duh, perhaps)
High School Musical (I think I'll go hide in a corner now)
Gilmore Girls up until season four or so
first season of Heroes (HOW did I forget this??)
Supernatural to some extent? (not that big an extent since I think I mostly watched for the eyecandy) - first season only
the first two seasons of Doctor Who (ie. with Billie Piper in)
Golden Sun (...not that anyone's going to ask)
Pokemon up until Diamond/Pearl and not far into the Johto League for the anime
Digimon up until Tamers because fourth season never did it for me (my god, I am a nerd)
I guess Final Fantasy VIII and X/-2
I'm not counting Wheel of Time because I'm only up to book five. Six. Five. Crap, I can't even remember what book I'm up to, this does not bode well.