Happy 21st birthday, Sheryl!

Jan 24, 2006 23:20

Even though she probably has no idea who I am and I don't know her much better...XD

Yeah, it's been a while since last entry of substance. A lot has happened and at the same time it feels like NOTHING HAS.

First off a belated Happy Birthday to Johanna and Emily for last Monday the 16th (15th and 14th birthdays respectively). Hope it was a great one! Especially Johanna because if it wasn't a great one then there is obviously something wrong
with me and/or Moony :P I spent that Monday arvo in town with Moony and Prongs on a second-hand bookshop trawl on which there was much complaining, squealing (well, okay, I was the only one who squealed, more exclaiming maybe, actually, just remarking) over how that second-hand bookshop on Lambton Quay (Quilters?) smells like old book (except for me: It smells like Sabriel! Only not my copy, Chris's, mine is too new), and spending of money. We all came out with books (It's How You Play the Game and
Maureen McCarthy's Cross my Heart for me) and I came out with no money whatsoever and fifty cents in the red. We also got Lord of the Rings sheet music for our busking quartet (except me, ha)! Yay!

And we went to Hans' house afterwards and looked at the gigantic Narnia and Goblet of Fire photos I shoved on there, and ate dinner (yay for Hell's Pizza!), and made sisters laugh (Mary and Johanna were babbling on about Wheel of Time while Molly Rose, Lucy, and I looked politely bemused, then I blurted out "bonjour!" to Molly Rose and there was this massive crackup fest all round), and opened presents and took photos of the present opening, and played with presents and admired presents and so on. It was fun!

We had a random Filipino family move in with us for a week but they have moved out now, which is excellent, as I get my bathroom back. They were very nice, if quiet, and also they had an eight-year-old kid so Raeann had someone to play with and didn't bug me as much.

Friday was Beauty and the Beast :O which despite my interruptions, I LOFFED. Belle was amazing, she sounded so much like Belle in the movie it was actually rather freaky. The Beast was lame (and lost his mic at the end, HAHA, so while everyone was going round going "I'M HUMAN!" he was like "I'M HUMAN TOO! AND COMPLETELY INAUDIBLE!"). Gaston the weather guy was brilliant! I totally wolf-whistled even though I was too far away to really see what he looked like (B res, baby).

Various idiotic remarks and reactions:

Belle stands all spiffed up on a raised platform framed by concentric circles.

Beast: "Take (the magic mirror) with you! So you don't...forget me."
Belle: "I could never forget you."
Caryl [to Dad, the poor sod seated at her side]: "Yeah, who could forget someone that ugly?"

Gaston leads the townspeople to the Beast's castle, wearing a near-red waistcoat.

On the third sob, the Beast rose again, in accordance with the script.


We spent Welly Anniversary Day out in the wops, by which I mean by Shannon at Owlcatraz, which was quite fun, I took as many photos as possible before my battery ran out cos I'd spent part of the drive taking photos of road signs. Yes, I am strange. Then we went and had a takeaway picnic lunch at the Levin Adventure Playground which is the BEST PLAYGROUND EVER.

and I really have to go.


{she drew a bow from her quiver and knotted it}

*2006, places: nz: levin, events: birthdays, shows: beauty and the beast, fili, musicals

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