
Oct 30, 2006 04:02

Yo mofos, its been a while since I've had time to do this shizzle but its 4:03am and insomnia strikes again. I fucking follow the advice, get drunk, chill, stare at the tellybox, have a warm milky drink, count sheep...blah blah blah, and yet still here typing my mindless garbage.

Almost punched my gay friend martin in the face tonight. He feels that because he's gay that gives him the right to hit women. I disagree. After humiating me infront of a room full of people I didnt no by pointing out the blatently obvious that I wear hoodies all the time to hide my flab, I to try to make a joke of it *lightly* slapped him on the arm. In a vain effort to save my dignity. He retaliates by punching me full pelt, I mean I'm not being funny but I go in hardcore serious pain mosh pits and come out with no marks, he hit me so hard it near knocked me off my chair and I have a nice big purple bruise. At this point I got angry, him realising this acts all girlyfaggoty again so I won't knock ten types of shit out of him. I got as far as the door before he ran to his room and locked it. Although for the most part he's one of my best friends at Uni, he's cattiness is getting to the point that I feel like shit most days and ***IM WORRYING***about what to wear to lectures to meet his aproval.


I've never needed approval on what I'm wearing before. GAH!! It's this place, the people EVERYTHING!!!! I miss NWK where I could be myself and I had my friends and my enemies and thre were clear lines, here everythings blurred. (mayb from alcohol intake?)

In other news I've had my tongue pierced for bout a month now and will eventually go to get the bar changed down, even though I can do it myself. It really dont hurt geting it done.

Tommorrows plan: organise lecture notes, do seminar prep(aka lots of reading things I dont understand), clean room, buy chicken for dinner, pick up fairy wings and tutu from post office, post Ollies letter.

Ok I can think of nothing more to say here.
Cept brief q for anyone who may read this: Charlie Hunnham (sp?) gay or not gay?
Also did Vin Diesel give head to John Travolta...or is this YET ANOTHER one of Martins "I want every actor I fancy to be gay so I have the most minute chance of fucking them one day" things?



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