(no subject)

Dec 26, 2012 16:06

So I decided to go to Sydney cause my friend's over there for NYE soon hehe. I wouldn't go for that though unfortunately even though K is there. Maybe I'll run into her somewhere? :P Unlikely, but hopefully I see my other friend from school too.

I really need a break. My other friend is jealous cause she has that guy there. Bad luck for her. I chose to go, she didn't. Need to have fun sometimes!!

Guess I should start planning it soon. My other friend seemed happy I was coming, she's said thanks for making the bold decision to come. Hehe. She said she'll definately catch up with me but I better arrange it soon. Glad I know someone who is reliable!! The others don't seem to be too much. Maybe they're last minute probably. So I don't care about NYE, I'll watch it on foxtel. Christmas was ok, same per usual, my bro brought a nice German friend of his so it was fun chatting with her. Had another friend's bday before xmas, their other friends seem lovely. A lot are younger but I suppose I look it anyway :P. haha. It was a fun evening anyhow. Probs wont see them again before new yr, I'll see my other friend Sat. I should try meeting a guy. Maybe the one my friend has in mind! :P
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